Herb & Spice Companion

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Juniperus communis

Flavors: pungent, piney and clean,
spicy, lightly sweet

Juniper berries are the signature flavor-
ing in gin, whose name is derived from
the French or Dutch word for “juniper,”
genévrier or jenever. That refreshing pine
flavor actually comes from the small,
juicy cones of a coniferous evergreen—
they’re not technically “berries,” as the
name would suggest. These blueberry
lookalikes can be eaten fresh or dried,
but should be crushed to release their
flavor into prepared dishes.

In the Garden
Juniper is a cool-weather shrub or tree
that is easy to grow in most well-draining
soils and, if necessary, in suitable contain-
ers. There are around 50 species of vary-
ing sizes (from short shrubs to 40-foot
trees), including some whose berries are not edible, so it’s important to choose the
right species for planting and cooking. Juniperus communis is the shrub most often
used for its berries; they take 2 to 3 years to ripen. These plants are dioecious, or sin-
gle-sexed, so you’ll need both a male and female plant if you want to grow the tasty
berries. When harvesting, wear protective gloves to prevent pricks from the leaves.
Size: 5 to 6 feet tall
Container: Half barrel, or about 15 gallons, for most evergreen trees; smaller or
larger depending on tree size
Light: Full sun

Juniper berries contain an essential
oil that supports kidney function
and serves as an effective diuretic,
helping to disinfect the urinary tract
and, in the process, prevent and treat
infection. The spice has also been
shown to have antiviral properties,
believed to be helpful against viruses
like herpes and the flu, as well as anti-
inflammatory effects: Prepared as an
ointment or infusion, juniper extract
can be applied topically via compress
to reduce joint inflammation caused
by arthritis and gout.

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