Herb & Spice Companion

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  • 227 –

Size: Aboveground, up to 7 feet tall; taproot, 3 to 4
feet deep and at least 3 feet wide
Container: At least 10 to 12 inches deep for seedlings;
transplant to larger containers as the roots develop
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Moist, loose, fertile, well drained; soil should be deep to make room for the
long taproot. Mix compost or manure into the soil for added nutrients and improved
Plant: Seeds or rhizome divisions. Rhizomes are preferred, as seeds are difficult to
germinate and must be stratified before sowing (see page 14).
Water: Regularly, to keep the soil consistently moist
Harvest: After 3 to 5 years, once the plant has died back in the fall, dig up the roots.
Harvest the whole plant, or split off only the top segments and leave the deeper roots
to regrow.
Care: Pick flowers regularly so the plant focuses all its energy on its roots. Protect
from slugs.

Keep It Fresh
Licorice root can be used fresh, but it’s
usually dried in the shade over a period
of 6 months. To yield the extract, the root
is boiled and filtered out, leaving a black
liquid that forms a “cake” when dried.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Candies, chews, teas, bever-
ages, soup stocks, marinades, rubs
Serve: Use root segments to infuse lico-
rice flavor into teas, cooked fruit, syrups,
and sauces, and remove before serving.
Licorice is often used in Chinese stocks,
marinades, soy sauce, and five-spice
powder. Roots can also add flavor to
sugar; store a few segments in a sugar
container and use the licorice sugar for
baking or for sweetening coffee and tea.
Powdered licorice can be added to batters, puddings, marinades, and meat rubs for a
sweet kick. Use this spice sparingly, as it has a bitter aftertaste.


  • Anise

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, carrots, celery, lemons,
mushrooms, onions, oranges,
peas, peppers, tomatoes
Proteins: almonds, cashews,
cheeses, chicken, peanuts,
sausage, walnuts
Seasonings: allspice, anise,
cardamom, cassia, cinnamon,
cloves, coriander seeds, fennel,
garlic, ginger, honey, lemon juice
and zest, nutmeg, Sichuan pepper,
star anise, tarragon, thyme, vanilla

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