Herb & Spice Companion

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Origanum majorana

Flavors: Oregano-like but sweeter,
lightly spicy, with hints of floral,
clove, and citrus

Often associated with the more robust oregano (Origanum vulgare), marjoram
deserves its own spotlight as an herb with distinct flavor and uses. Bees, butterflies,
and birds tend to swarm around marjoram plants in the garden, making them an
appealing plant to grow every summer.
Essential to French herb blends
bouquet garni and herbes de Provence
(see page 250), marjoram flavors any-
thing from roasts and stuffing to lighter
fare like fresh salads and egg dishes.
The herb’s sweetness also complements
fruity and creamy desserts. Its delicate
composition makes it unsuitable for
long-cooked dishes, where its charms
will dissipate in the heat. Instead, it
is best used fresh or at the very end
of cooking.

In the Garden
Marjoram, an annual, grows successfully in containers positioned in a sun-filled win-
dow. In cold climates, plant in a container and bring indoors in winter.
Size: 1 to 2 feet tall
Container: At least 6 inches deep
Light: Full sun
Soil: Rich, well drained
Plant: Seeds, cuttings, or young plants
Water: Regularly, when soil feels somewhat dry to the touch; do not overwater.

Like most herbs, marjoram is great
for healthy digestion and also offers
antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-
inflammatory properties. It’s high in
vitamin C and carotenes, both known
for their antioxidant activity, which
helps protect against age-related
decline in health.

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