Herb & Spice Companion

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Rosmarinus officinalis

Flavors: pungent, woodsy, with
pine and subtle lemon

Long believed to possess medicinal,
magical, and spiritual powers, rose-
mary certainly has some powers that
are not so mysterious: robust flavor and
fragrance. These piney shrubs come
in many varieties, offering a range of
scents and flowers in vibrant blue, pur-
ple, pink, or white.
Rosemary is used sparingly in many
Mediterranean dishes for its warm, com-
forting herb flavor. This strong herb
retains its flavor during cooking, making
it perfect for any slow-cooked or high-
heat dish. Rosemary is also an essential
component in the herb mixture herbes
de Provence (see page 250).

In the Garden
Healthy rosemary, which are perennials, shrubs need lots of sunlight and excellent
drainage. If you live in a cold climate, consider growing rosemary in containers rather
than planting it in the ground, so you can move the plant inside in winter. Placed in a
sunny window, rosemary will thrive indoors if turned occasionally so the entire plant
is treated to as much sunlight as possible.
Size: 3 to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide
Container: 5 gallons
Light: Full sun

Rosemary has been used throughout
history to improve memory, aid
digestion, and alleviate symptoms
of anxiety. Its oil has been shown
to stimulate hair follicles when
rubbed onto the scalp, suggesting
the herb may help counteract hair
loss. Rosemary oil is a staple of
aromatherapy, used to tame stress
and boost concentration; it’s also
applied to the skin to ease muscle and
joint pain and stimulate circulation.

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