Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1




night wears on.

Yellow Submarine

Offline map Google map ( 0672 56 98 64;; 82 Ave Hassan II;
7pm-1am) Back in Marrakesh’s hippie heyday, the streets were positively littered with Rolling
Stones and Beatles – and this lounge-bar intends to revive those glory days with wall-to-wall
psychedelic murals, aglow with submarine-shaped lights. Some anachronisms boggle the mind
– such as the portrait of Al Pacino as Scarface near the slogan ‘All You Need Is Love’ – but
have another Cuba Libre and go along for the ride.



Sleeping is overrated in a city where the nightlife begins around midnight. Most of the hottest
clubs are in the Hivernage, or in the fast-expanding city suburb along Blvd Mohammed VI known
as Zone Aguedal. Admissions range from Dh150 to Dh350 including the first drink, but those
who arrive early and dressed smartly midweek may get in free (especially women). Taxis back
from out-of-town clubs like Pacha are expensive – taxi drivers know they’ve got you stranded.


Offline map Google  map (    0524   43  77  02; Rue Echouhada;;  

4pm-2am; ) Never mind the restaurant downstairs; the flash lounge upstairs is the place for
dashing diplomats, visiting fashion designers and married Casa playboys to mingle over
cocktails or bottles of wine. There’s no avoiding the belly dancers, who descend en masse
every other hour like scantily clad chaperones to break up all that flirting.

Jad Mahal/Silver

Offline map Google map ( 0524 43 69 84; 10 Rue Haroun Errachid, Hivernage; www.jad-; admission with drink/dinner free; 7.30pm-2am) Through the restaurant at the
far end of the courtyard, the Jad Mahal’s bar is where locals linger over cocktails until staff
crank up a catchy song, the house cover band arrives or diners break into spontaneous dance
moves over an ’80s tune, whichever comes first. After midnight, take the free back-door entry
to Silver, the next-door nightclub with not one, but 100 disco balls – a subtle hint to dance.


Offline map ( 0524  38  84  00;; Complexe    Pacha   Marrakech,  Blvd

Mohammed VI, Zone Aguedal, Hivernage; Mon-Wed before/after 10pm free/Dh150, Thu
men/women Dh150/free, Sat & Sun Dh200-300; 8pm-1am Mon-Thu, 8pm-2am Fri & Sat;
) Pacha Ibiza was the prototype for this clubbing complex that’s now Africa’s biggest, with
DJs mashing up international and Magrebi hits for weekend influxes of Casa hipsters and raging
Rabatis. Pacha doesn’t come close to hitting its 3000-people occupancy during the week, so
bring your own entourage and you might get in free. Ladies arrive en masse Thursdays to drink
gratis at Rose Bar; come early to lounge by the pool until the party starts.

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