Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1
Day 1: Imlil to Ouaneskra

This trek begins with almost the same route as the Toubkal Circuit, heading from the trailhead
into the mountains. Once you reach Tizi n’Tamatert (2279m), it’s an easy 45-minute walk to
the village of Ouaneskra with lovely views across the valley.

Ouaneskra has three well-run gîtes (per person Dh50, meals Dh20-50, hot shower Dh10) .
The first one is reliably clean, and you’ll reach it just before you cross the river outside the
village. The other two are five minutes away at either end of the village.

If you walked to Ouaneskra in the morning, you could spend the afternoon in the Imenane
Valley, which stretches from Ouaneskra and Tacheddirt northwest towards Asni. The land is
meticulously cultivated, and you could explore the seven remote Berber villages lining the valley.

Alternatively, you could get a head start on the next day’s walk by continuing another half-
hour (2km) to Tacheddirt (2300m), following the paved road as it veers to the right before
Ouaneskra and crossing the Amagdoul plateau, which in summer is a popular camp site. In
Tacheddirt you can stay at the CAF refuge (dm CAF/HI members/nonmembers Dh30/45/60)
or in the house of one of the refuge operators (Dh40), but the best option is Tigmmi n’
Tacheddirt ( 0662 10 51 69; per person from Dh50) , with memorable views and good

Day 2: Ouaneskra to Timichi

Follow the well-used mule path out of Ouaneskra to Tacheddirt, which is surrounded by
beautifully terraced fields. On the far side of the village, the track begins to climb steadily 870m
to Tizi n’Tacheddirt (3230m), with the pass ahead of you visible the entire way.

The rocky path keeps to the left-hand side of the riverbed, zigzagging steeply up towards the
south face of Jebel Angour (3616m) for the last half-hour. The pass is exposed and windy but

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