Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

Shortly before Ouaneskra, the path divides. The mule track to the right traverses the
southern side of the valley to an ideal camping place near the track, close to the Irhzer
n’Likemt stream and the starting place for tomorrow’s climb.

The longer route via Ouaneskra and Tacheddirt takes the northern side of the valley after
crossing Tizi n’Tamatert. There are three gîtes in Ouaneskra and a pleasant little restaurant –
but tomorrow’s walk is long, so it’s best to have lunch and carry on. The village of Tacheddirt
is 2km further along the well-defined mule trail or the tarmac road that runs along the north side
of the slope. In Tacheddirt, 50 people can sleep at Tigmmi n Tacheddirt ( 0662 10 51 69;
per person incl half-board & shared/private bathroom Dh130/200) , a new gîte that’s the nicest
for miles around. You may be able to stay at the CAF Refuge or chez l’habitant (Dh30 to
Dh50). From Tacheddirt, the hiking track loops south, up to the camp site near Irhzer n’Likemt.


»   »   Maps    The 1:50,000    sheet   map Jebel   Toubkal covers  the whole   Toubkal Circuit and is  sometimes   available   through the
bureau des guides ( /fax 0524 48 56 26) in Imlil. Occasionally you’ll find the 1994 edition, which is clearer and more
accurate. Four-sheet, 1:100,000 topographical Toubkal Massif Walking Map also covers the circuit, produced by the Division
de la Cartographie (Moroccan Survey) and obtainable from their office in Rabat, in London at Stanfords (,
or in Marrakesh on the Djemaa el-Fna at Hotel Ali (Dh150). Government-produced 1:100,000 Cartes des Randonnées dans le
Massif du Toubkal marks trekking routes but includes less topographical detail. Orientazion’s 1:50,000 Toubkal and
Marrakech is clear and water-resistant, but does not show all gullies and cliffs.
» » Guide The best place to engage an experienced, licensed guide is at Imlil’s bureau des guides . Allow at least a day to hire
a guide and make trekking arrangements – though if you have specific needs, it may take more time. Of the 60 official guides
based in the Toubkal area, only 10 or so may be in Imlil at any one time. In high season, you might need to hire an experienced
Toubkal guide through a reputable Marrakesh agency ( Click here ).
» » Mule Mountain guides can organise mules and muleteers for you. Trekkers should be aware that mules have problems
crossing Tizi n’Ouanoums, east of Lac d’Ifni, and from November to May, some areas may be impassable by mule. If mules
have to take lengthy detours, you may need to carry one day’s kit and food. Talk this through with your guide and muleteer.
» » Food Basic food supplies (meat, fruit, vegetables and bread) are available in Imlil, and trail mixes, packaged soups and
other light, portable food is stocked by Marrakesh supermarkets.
» » Water Purifying locally sourced water is a responsible alternative to bottled water ( Click here ), but don’t count on finding
available water sources – pack plenty of water.
» » Gear When walking after rain or snowfall, a stick or trekking pole is useful. Petrol, diesel and kerosene can be bought in
Marrakesh or Asni.
» » Tent Your guide can arrange tents. The circuit outlined here requires some camping, but you could add detours to seek
out lodging, or possibly do without tents in summer.

Day 2: Tacheddirt to Azib Likemt

Leave Tacheddirt early to make the two- to three-hour walk up to Tizi Likemt (3550m), winding
around the head of the valley on a more gentle ascent instead of heading straight down and
across the Assif n’Imenane and up past the camp site. Though the walk is mostly shaded by
mountain shadows in the morning, it’s a hard climb, especially a very steep scree slope
towards the top.

Close   to  the camp    site,   a   well-defined    rocky   path    heads   up  the centre  of  the gully   on  the east
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