Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1






ornate zellij ornamentation. A small medersa is nearby, where the remains of pillars, students’
cells and scalloped pools – as well as the blocked-off mihrab (prayer niche) – are still
discernable. On leaving the mosque, the path passes the tombs of several saints on the far
right. To the left, the murky waters of a walled pool (marked ‘bassin aux anguilles’ ) still attract
women who believe that feeding boiled eggs to the eels here brings fertility and easy childbirth.


Archaeology Museum

Offline map Google  map (    0537   70  19  19; 23  Rue al-Brihi    Parent; admission   Dh10;    9am-

4.30pm Wed-Mon) The interesting (even if the labels are only in Arabic and French)
Archaeology Museum gives a good account of Morocco’s history. Prehistoric finds include a
beautiful Neolithic rock carving of a man surrounded by concentric circles. The highlight of the
collection is the Salle des Bronzes , which displays ceramics, statuary and artefacts from the
Roman settlements at Volubilis, Lixus and Chellah. Look out for the beautiful head of Juba II
and don’t miss the tiny acrobats – all found at Volubilis. The fate of the artefacts here is unsure,
as a new ethnographical museum is planned as well as a museum at Volubilis itself.

Money Museum

Offline map Google map (; cnr Ave Mohammed V & Rue Al-Qahira) Housed
in the historic Mauresque building of the Bank al-Maghrib, this quirky museum and art gallery
will tell you everything you want to know about the history of coinage.

Museum of Contemporary Art

Offline map Google  map (   Ave Moulay  Hassan) Under   construction    at  the time    of  research,   this    will

be the first public gallery of contemporary art in Morocco.


Oudayas Surf Club

Offline map Google  map (    0537   26  06  83; Plage   des Oudaias;    90min   surfboard/bodyboard

lesson Dh250/180) King Mohammed VI was a founding member of this club.

Club Nautique de la Plage de Rabat

Offline map Google  map (    0537   26  16  09; [email protected]; Plage   des Oudaias) Below

the kasbah, this club offers similar services and equipment rental.


Rabat has many language schools offering year-long courses, but the following offer short-term

Center for Cross-Cultural Learning

Offline map Google map (CCCL; Click here ; 0537 20 23 65;; Ave Laalou, 11
Zankat Hassani) Intensive short courses in Modern Standard and Moroccan Arabic.

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