Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

essentials and treats alike; there’s a smaller branch in the city centre on Dean Navarro Acuña.

The cavernous Central Market Offline map Google map ( 8am-3pm Mon-Sat) is the local
spot for fresh meat and produce, and a vibrant experience as well.


To phone Ceuta from outside Spain, dial 0034. Remember that Ceuta is one hour ahead of
Morocco, and two hours ahead during Spanish daylight saving ( Click here ), and that most
businesses will be closed on Sunday.

Internet Access
Cyber Ceuta (Paseo de Colón; per hr €2.50; 11am-2pm & 5-10pm Mon-Sat, 5-10pm Sun)

Medical Services
Instituto Gestión Sanitario Offline map Google map (Ingesa; 956 52 84 00; 24hr) Two
locations, one next to the Royal Walls, another east of the fishing port.

Euros are used for all transactions in Ceuta. ATMs are plentiful; outside banking hours you can
change money at the more expensive hotels. There are informal moneychangers on both sides
of the border, although it’s technically illegal to take dirhams out of Morocco.

Correos (Post Office; 59 Calle Real; 8.30am-8.30pm Mon-Fri, 9.30am-2pm Sat)

Tourist Information
Main tourist office Offline map Google map ( 856 20 05 60;, in Spanish;
Baluarte de los Mallorquines; 8.30am-8.30pm) Very friendly and efficient, with good maps
and brochures.

Plaza de Africa Kiosk Offline map Google map ( 956 52 81 46; 10am-1pm & 5-8pm 15 Sep-

31 May, 10.30am-1.30pm & 6-9pm 1 Jun-14 Sep) A smaller satellite office.

Estacion Marítima Kiosk ( 956 50 62 75; 9am-9pm) Another satellite office.

Travel Agencies
Av Muelle Cañonero Dato and the approach to the estación marítima are lined with agencies
selling ferry tickets to Algeciras.

Viajes Flandria Offline map Google map ( 956 51 20 74; fax 956 51 45 59;

[email protected]; 1 Ave Independencia)

Getting There & Away

Buses and grands taxis to Ceuta often terminate at Fnideq, rather than at the border (Bab
Sebta). If so, the border is a further 1km walk, or Dh5 by taxi. Although the border is open 24

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