Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1







Hotel Mouritania €

Offline map Google  map (    0539   98  61  84; 15  Rue Qadi    Alami;  s/d Dh60/120;    )  Rooms   are

simple here, but staff are helpful, there’s a comfy courtyard lounge ideal for meeting other
travellers, and the breakfasts (Dh20) are great.

Hostal Yasmina €

Offline map Google map ( 0539 88 31 18; [email protected]; 12 Zaida Al-Horra; r per
person Dh75) For the price bracket, this place sparkles. Rooms are bright and clean, the
location is a stone’s throw from Plaza Uta el-Hammam, and the roof terrace is very welcoming.
This bargain doesn’t have many rooms, though, so it can fill up quickly.

Hotel Koutoubia €

Offline map Google  map (    0668   11  53  58; Calle   Andalouse;  s/d Dh150/200)  This    hotel   does

budget accommodation perfectly, with friendly and attentive management, a central location,
traditional decor, spotless rooms and a closed-in roof terrace for those cold mornings where
you can have breakfast (Dh15).

Dar Baiboo €€€

( 0539 98 61 53;; Rue Targhi; ) Across the street from Casa
Hassan and under the same management, this newly opened guesthouse is light and airy.
Rooms open off the central courtyard and are large and comfortable.

Casa Hassan €€€

Offline map Google  map (    0539   98  61  53;; 22  Rue Targhi; s/d with    half-

board from Dh850/1000; ) A large guesthouse on the 2nd floor above its restaurant, this
long-established upmarket choice is showing its age a bit, but has sizable rooms with creative
layouts, including beds tucked into alcoves, fireplaces and an in-house hammam. The terrace
provides an elegant lounge, and the cosy Restaurant Tissemlal a warm hearth.

Hotel Barcelona €

Offline map Google map ( 0539 98 85 06; 12 Rue Targhi; r per person with shared bathroom
Dh70, s/d with private bathroom Dh300) A friendly budget option in bright Chefchaouen blue.
The fixtures and fittings are pretty basic, but the hotel has recently been repainted, and the
rooftop terrace is wonderful.

Hotel Molino €€

Offline map Google  map (    0539   98  74  23; Plaza   Seloannine;;

s/d with shared bathroom incl breakfast Dh250/350, d/q with bathroom Dh550/750; )
Another newly opened guesthouse, Hotel Molino offers a range of rooms with funky design and
local fabrics. Unusually, there’s a wonderful garden where local children learn about planting
their own vegetables. The American owner has plans for a spa and Lebanese restaurant.
There’s dinner on request, or you can cook your own in the kitchen.

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