Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1



Hello/Goodbye salam/beslama
Yes/No naam/alla
Please/Thank you minfadlak/shoukran
Where is...? fin...?
hotel hotel
camping el moukhayam
Do you have any rooms available? wash kayan shi bit khawi?
a single room bit dyal wahad
a double room bit dyad jouje danass
How much is it? beshhal?
What time does the next...leave? foukash yam shi...?
boat en babour
bus el car
Iā€™d like a... bghit
one-way ticket warga aller
return ticket warga aller retour
beer bira
sandwich cascrout

Sights & Activities


Plage Quemado

Offline map Google map A pretty steep-sided bay protects the town beach. The beach is clean
enough, but the seaside resort atmosphere is marred by the port to the north and the
construction of a new hotel.

Cala Bonita, Plage Isly and Plage Asfiha

In the summer, a better option is one of the three white sandy beaches that begin 5km south of
town. During the low season they tend to be strewn with rubbish. Plage Asfiha has several
ramshackle restaurants right on the beach serving sardines and chips, and feels the most
remote. The best way to reach these beaches is by grand taxi. For the entire taxi, reckon on

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