Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1



road under shady orange trees.

Restaurant Marhaba €€

( 0536 60 33 11; Calle Ibn Rochd; mains from Dh60; lunch & dinner) The smartest
restaurant in town, the Marhaba specialises in fish and does it very well. The main room is very
large, but there’s a cosier terrace at the back with fishing nets and plastic lobsters. There’s no

Café Club €

(Ave Mohammed Zerktouni) Jutting into the lagoon at the far end of Mohammed V, this island
cafe comes as a surprise and a welcome bit of maritime focus in an otherwise concrete forest.
Great for coffee, it also serves a tajine of the day (around Dh40).

Café Antalya €

(Bld Prince Héritier Sidi Mohammed; pizzas from Dh50) All glass and chrome and spilling out
onto the pavement, this smart cafe shows a new face of Nador. The pizzeria upstairs is popular
with young trendies.


Credit Maroc (64 Ave Mohammed V) One of several banks on Mohammed V with foreign-
exchange services and ATM.

Cyber Milano (Bld el Massira; per hr Dh5; 8am-8pm) Internet cafe.

Ketama Voyages ( 0536 60 61 91; [email protected]; 55 Ave Mohammed) Sells
ferry tickets to Almería.

Pharmacy al-Farabi ( 0536 60 60 11; Ave Mohammed V)

Post office Next to Grande Mosquée.

Royal Air Maroc (Ave Mohammed V; 8.30am-12.15pm & 2.30-7pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon &
3-6pm Sat)

Getting There & Away

The airport is 23km south of Nador. Atlas Blue and Ryanair operate numerous flights to Europe.
Iberia connects Nador with Spain, and Air Berlin flies to Cologne.

Acciona has started a new fast ferry service to Almeria. It leaves Almeria Sunday to Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday at 10am and arrives in Nador at 3pm, then turns around and leaves at
10pm, arriving the next day in Almeria at 6am. Comanav offers a service to Sète, France on

The port of Beni Enzar is 7km from the city but traffic makes it feel much further. The
quickest way to get there is by grand taxi (Dh8, 15 minutes).

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