Morocco Travel Guide

(Ben Green) #1

Attajariwafa Bank Offline map ( Ave Moulay Youseff) Has an ATM.

BMCI Offline map ( Place de l’Indépendance) Has an ATM.

Cyber Attoraya Offline map ( Rue Allal ben Abdallah; per hr Dh5; 24hr) Internet access.

Cyber Friwato Offline map ( cnr Ave d’Oujda; per hr Dh4; 8am-midnight) Internet access.

Cyber Taza Net Offline map ( Place Aharrach, Taza Haute; per hr Dh4; 8am-11pm) Internet.

Main post office Offline map ( off Rue de Marché)

Pharmacy Aharrach Offline map (Place Aharrach)

Post office Offline map ( Ave Moulay el-Hassan) Opposite the main square.

Getting There & Away

Few buses actually originate in Taza, but plenty pass through on their way between Oujda and
points west of Taza such as Fez, Tangier and Casablanca, as well as to the coast.

The CTM office  Offline map Google  map (   Place   de  l’Indépendance) is  located in  the ville

nouvelle. There’s a morning departure for Casablanca (Dh150, eight hours), stopping at Fez
(Dh55, two hours), Meknès (Dh75, 2½ hours) and Rabat (Dh120, 6½ hours). Two overnight
buses leave for Tangier (Dh170, eight hours). There are also morning services for Oujda (Dh60,
3½ hours) and Nador (Dh55, 2½ hours).

Non-CTM buses servicing these same destinations stop on the Fez–Oujda road next to the
grand-taxi lot. It’s all a bit random, so ask around the day before as to what’s expected – and
jump in a grand taxi if the wait seems too long.

Most grands taxis leave from the main Fez– Oujda road, near the train station. They depart
fairly regularly for Fez (Dh50, 2½ hours). Less frequently, taxis head for Oujda (Dh70, 3½
hours) and Al-Hoceima (Dh65, 2½ hours). Grands taxis to the Gouffre du Friouato (Dh14) leave
from a lot to the south of the medina.

Taza’s location on the train line makes rail the best transport option. Three trains run to Fez
(Dh40, two hours), continuing to Meknès (Dh56, three hours), Rabat (Dh111, six hours) and
Casablanca (Dh136, seven hours). There are two connections to Tangier (Dh140, eight hours),
changing at Sidi Kacem. In the opposite direction, two trains go to Oujda (Dh74, three hours).

Around Taza


It’s possible to make an interesting day trip of a circuit around Jebel Tazzeka, southwest of
Taza. This takes in the Cascades de Ras el-Oued at the edge of Tazzeka National Park, the
cave systems of Gouffre du Friouato and the gorges of the Oued Zireg. The scenery is grand,

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