Dubai & Abu Dhabi 7 - Full PDF eBook

(lily) #1

Ramin Haerizadeh are among the works
that have attracted collectors and the curi-
ous since the space’s opening in 2005.

Third line Gallery
Map p216 (%04-341 1367; http://www.thethirdline
.com; off Sheikh Zayed rd; h11am-8pm Sat-Thu)
Located between Interchange Nos 3 and
4, Third Line is run by a couple of talented
young curators (Sunny Rahbar and Claudia
Cellini) and is one of the city’s more excit-
ing spaces for contemporary Middle East-
ern art. Artists represented often transcend
the rules of traditional styles to create fresh
new forms. The gallery regularly exhibits at
international art fairs, including the Frieze
Art Fair (London), Artissima (Turin, Italy)
and Art Beat Istanbul. It represents emerg-
ing Emirati artists as well as famous names
like Iranian artist Farhad Moshiri, and con-
troversial Iraqi artist Hayv Kahraman with
her depictions of honour killings, gender
and war.

1 X 1 conTeMporary arT Gallery
Map p216 (%04-341 1287; http://www.1x1artgallery
.com; al-quoz industrial 1, no 4, off Sheikh Zayed
rd; h11am-8pm Sat-Thu) Moved from its Ju-
meirah home and occupying a converted
warehouse, this gallery has emerged as a
key place for sourcing Indian art. This is in
part because of the efforts of Malini Gulra-
jani, whose mission is to showcase the best
in contemporary works from the subconti-
nent. With shows featuring painters Shibu
Natesan and Chittrovanu Mazumdar, and
N N Rimzon (famed for his energised sculp-
tures), this grand and elegant gallery has a
fixed spot on the radar of avid collectors.

Green arT Gallery Gallery
Map p216 (%04-346 9305;;
8 St, al-Serkal ave, off Sheikh Zayed rd; h10am-
6pm Sat-Thu) This gallery dates back to 1995
and was a key player in the promotion of lo-
cal artists in the region. In 2010 the gallery
moved to Al-Quoz, where a 280-sq-metre
warehouse provides the perfect setting
for renowned and emerging Middle East-
ern artists, photographers and sculptors.
Typical exhibitions include a solo show of
recent works by renowned Turkish photo-
grapher Nazif Topcuoglu, and a seven-
channel video installation entitled Balloons
on the Sea by Turkish artist Hale Tenger,
which was voted one of the best interna-
tional shows of 2011 by leading contempo-
rary art magazine Artforum.

JaMJar Gallery
Map p216 (%04-341 7303; http://www.thejamjardubai
.com; 17a St, exit 39 off Sheikh Zayed rd; h10am-
8pm Mon-Thu & Sat, 2-8pm Fri) JamJar is more
than just another gallery exhibiting con-
temporary art by emerging local and inter-
national talent. It’s a DIY painting studio,
too, so if you’re feeling the creative urge,
you can hire an easel, a canvas and all the
paint and paper you require to create your
own masterpiece. Located behind Dubai
Garden Centre.

MeeM Gallery Gallery
Map p216 (%04-347 7883;; umm
Suqeim rd, off interchange no 4; h10am-7pm Sat-
Thu) An ambitious co-venture by two Emi-
rati business tycoons and British art dealer
Charlie Pocock, this blue-chip gallery is
dedicated to presenting the masters of
modern Arab art. As such, it usually exhib-
its some pretty big names, such as Libyan
calligrapher Ali Omar Ermes, the pop art of

JuMana – secreT of
The deserT

Don’t miss the dazzling theatrical
show at al sahra desert resort
(%04-362 7011;;
Dubailand; adult/child Dh230/115;
h9pm Tue-Sat; c)� It’s a no-expenses
spared production featuring the knee-
trembling voice of Omar Sharif as the
storyteller� The pyrotechnics were
designed by the guys responsible for
the opening of the Athens Olympics
in 2004, the composer is Jean Musy,
and the massive stage is comparable
to Milan’s La Scala (only surrounded
by water)� The visual effects are
extraordinary, including three 35mm-
wide by 18m-high water screens
that create a backdrop to the stage�
Celebrating the culture and history
of Arabia, the cast includes acrobats,
dancers, horses and camels and the
result is truly entertaining� To get here
take Sheikh Zayed Rd towards Abu
Dhabi� Exit towards the Green Com-
munity and turn right onto Emirates
Rd� At the next roundabout turn left
towards Al-Ain and continue 30km
until you reach the well-signposted

heikh Zayed

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