
(Kiana) #1



Villa Babilla offers safe parking on its property.

Provincia Hostel has a secure area to park a motorcycle.


Kawastore, Av. Calle 127 No. 45 - 61. Kawastore sells Kawasakis and motorcycle
accessories. There is an Auteco-certified mechanic right next door.

Harley-Davidson, Carrera 13 No. 82-36, Zona Rosa. Harley-Davidson Bogotá, (in
the middle of a posh section of the Zona Rosa) has a huge inventory of Harleys in
their storeroom. The store has a shop with highly experienced mechanics. If you
are not buying or fixing a motorcycle you can buy Harley-Davidson accessories
and merchandise. If you like motorcycles this is a great place to visit.

Asturias, Avenida 6 an 24an 50, [email protected]. Asturias has a highly
experienced mechanic who works on Harleys, BMW and other brands of
motorcycles. (

Fo r m ore o p t i on s o f m ec h a n ic s i n C a li , c h ec k w i th Mike a t M ot ol om bi a.

Ruta 40, Carrera 43A No. 30-26 (034-448-18-40). Ruta 40 specializes in BMWs,
but can work on all large motorcycles.

Kawasaki, Calle 10A No. 40-13 (034-268-86-88). This dealer has a shop across
the street that works on Kawasakai and other models.

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