Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


Set your    roots.  Build   your    foundation  and let the adventures

you have ahead of you grow from a place of stability.

Be  patient with    your    body!

Even if you can’t see how your dream is going to come true,

focus on the idea of it happening. You don’t need to know every

step ahead of you to be able to move forward.

Don’t   get stuck   with    labels! Eat what    keeps   your    body    and soul


You are perfect the way you already are.    Thinking    we  will    be

happier by changing our bodies is simply scratching at the

surface. What lies beneath? What do you really need to be


Concentrate on  what    your    body    does    for you,    not what    it  looks


Focusing    on  the things  you perceive    as  flaws   only    magnifies

them. See your own beauty.

Eat well    and exercise    for the right   reasons.    Love    your    body

first, change it (if needed) later.

Health  and happiness   are important.  Not what    your    ass looks

like in a pair of jeans!

Love    your    body.   Love    your    soul.
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