Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1


Come to your knees, double folding your mat or placing a blanket beneath the knees
if your joints are sensitive. Keep the knees hip distance apart and line the hips up with
the knees. Firm the inner thighs and keep pressing the hips forward as you lean back,
reaching for your heels. You might have to bring the hips back just slightly to get
there before you bring the hipbones forward again, lining them up with the knees. Let
your head fall back and focus on creating space for the neck while softening the
glutes. Stay for 5 slow breaths, or as long as you’re comfortable.

If you can’t reach your heels, place a block on either side of the heels for the palms of
the hands to rest.

You can also do this pose with the toes tucked.

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