Yoga Girl

(Joyce) #1

Inversions and Handstands

Yoga is never ending—that’s why it’s called a practice. When

you feel ready to take your physical practice to the next level,

you can start to move toward more advanced poses such as arm

balances and inversions—if you feel drawn to them!

Advanced poses that require us to stay upside down or

balance on our hands are not the purpose of our yoga practice,

although these types of poses are becoming increasingly

popular. Handstands and other inversions help you to build

strength and balance, but it’s important to remember that the

poses themselves are not the reason we step on the mat over

and over again. We are here to cultivate peace. Focus. Calm.

Advanced poses can help you get there (l·nding peace while

inverted is deeply rewarding), but make sure you don’t become

frustrated when these poses don’t happen for you right away.

Continue taking deep breaths and know that we all begin from

where we are. Ļese are difficult poses, and while they may

come easily for some, most people need years of practice to

become comfortable in them. Try to enjoy the journey without

becoming too attached to the result!

Learning how to handstand was a big moment for me. It

wasn’t just exciting and challenging, but it also helped me

build a lot of core strength, which in turn supported my

troublesome lower back. Handstands also gave me great

conl·dence and a feeling of I can! Ļe key to l·nding balance

upside down lies in trusting in your own ability and believing

in yourself. Find your center. Choose love over fear and give it

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