
(Marcin) #1

Propagation/Greenhouse Management

Part 1 – 112 | Unit 1.3
Lecture 2: Managing Environmental Conditions

e) As a last resort, use organically acceptable chemical controls, or biological control
agents that specifically and selectively target the pest or disease problem you are trying
to manage. Following as many as possible of the above strategies and intervening early
can greatly reduce losses and increase the efficacy of the inputs organic growers have at
their disposal.

f) While most greenhouse pests and pathogens are common across the country because
of the similarity of environmental conditions created in greenhouses, speak with local
growers, cooperative extension agents, and IPM practitioners to find out what problems
to anticipate in your region, which crops may be most vulnerable, the potential severity
of particular pests and pathogens, and the times of year to be especially vigilant

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