
(Marcin) #1
Tillage & Cultivation

Unit 1.2 | Part 1 – 59

C. Secondary Cultivation Steps

  1. Step 1: Sift the soil with garden fork to incorporate soil amendments into the top 4–6
    inches of the surface soil

  2. Step 2: Use the bow rake to shape the surface of the recently tilled bed into a flat or slightly
    convex form

  3. Step 3: Fracture large soil clusters with fork or rake to reduce surface soil particle size in
    proper proportion to the size of the seed or transplant to be grown

  4. Step 4: Use the bow rake to remove large soil clusters resistant to fracturing

  5. Under which circumstances is the above technique used?

D. Evaluation

  1. Have all of the soil amendments been thoroughly incorporated into the soil?

  2. Has the entire garden bed been thoroughly and evenly tilled in depth, width, and length?

  3. How have the physical, chemical, and/or biological properties of the soil been altered by
    this tillage?

  4. How might one improve the efficiency of this process?

Students’ Step-by-Step Instructions , Demonstration 2

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