
(Marcin) #1
Tillage & Cultivation

Unit 1.2 | Part 1 – 67

iii. Incorporate cover crop residue and
compost with spader or off-set wheel

iv. Rototill or disc field to improve
surface uniformity following residue

b) Secondary tillage: Seedbed establishment

i. Form beds with lister bar and shovels
or rolling cultivator

ii. Shape bed with bed shaper

c) Bed formation and planting

i. Plant beds with seeder, transplanter,
or by hand

d) Cultivate planted beds with sweeps,
knives, or rolling cultivator at timely
intervals to minimize weed pressure

e) Incorporation of crop residue

i. Mow crop residue

ii. Incorporate crop residue

iii. Chisel or subsoil, if necessary

iv. Disc and roll

v. Reshape and plant beds

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