
(Marcin) #1
Tillage & Cultivation

Unit 1.2 | Part 1 – 79


Primary cultivation
Initial course cultivation used to break up soil
mass into smaller particles, incorporate cover
crops or soil amendments in preparation for
planting seed or transplants
Secondary cultivation
Soil cultivation used to further render soil into
finer particle sizes in the preparation of seed
and root beds. Used subsequent to primary
Soil horizon
An individual and distinct layer of soil (e.g.,
a horizon)
Soil organic matter
Organic matter held in the soil
Soil separates
Individual soil particles of sand, silt, and clay
Soil structure
The physical arrangement of individual soil
particles, the way they cling or aggregate
Soil texture
The classification of a soil based on the relative
percentages of sand, silt, and clay
Soil tilth
The physical condition of a soil as related to
the ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed, and
impedance to seedling and root penetration
The operation of implements through the soil to
prepare seedbeds and root beds

Oxygen containing

The total assemblage of tools and techniques
used in the development and maintenance of soil
fertility and crop production in garden and farm

The dispersal of gases through a medium

French intensive
A traditional method of horticulture developed
in France that emphasizes intensive cultivation,
high application rates of soil amendments, and
high-density planting

Granular structure
A specific and desirable form of soil structure

Residual and decomposed organic matter held
in the soil

The absorption of water into the soil

Organic matter
The material held in or on the surface of the soil
that is alive or was once living tissue of plants
and/or animals

A horizon or layer in soils that is strongly
compacted or high in clay content

The downward movement of water through soil

Pore space
The air spaces between soil particles

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