
(Nandana) #1
94 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops





Presentation : Healthy and practical kitchens

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images of different kitchen elements, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 3 – Houses, Water, and Waste Management

Objective : Participants learn how to incorporate sustainability into kitchen design

People, especially women and small children, spend more waking time in the
kitchen than any other room in the house.

Therefore it is very important that the kitchen has a healthy, clean, and comfortable

List or brainstorm the following key points with the participants, then write out the results
on a large piece of paper for later reference by the participants when they begin the
design exercise.

Well designed kitchens

A well designed kitchen is easy to clean and has as many of the following features as

Animal and insect proofing

  • A good door and meshed openings to prevent vermin and animals from entering.

  • A storage cupboard that is rat and insect proof to prevent contamination, insect
    damage, and spoilage. Also seal up cracks and crevices where insects and
    vermin like to live.

  • Chopping boards that can be hung up after cleaning - rats love to lick cutting
    boards and this can make people very sick!

  • A dry-box for rice and other grains to protect them from vermin and animals,
    and to reduce insect damage and spoilage.

Water systems

  • Piped clean water into the kitchen with a leak-free tap (to conserve water).

  • A sink large enough for the family’s needs with a plug and drain pipe.

  • A system for channeling wastewater, which leads to a gray water cleaning
    system to treat and re-use the water as much as possible.

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