
(Nandana) #1
130 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Field activity : Make liquid fertilizer

Method : Participatory making of liquid fertilizer

Tools : Materials, tools, and containers as described below

References : PC Book MOD 4 – Healthy Soil

Objective : Participants learn how to make liquid fertilizer

In the “Compost” section of the PC Book MOD 4 – Healthy Soil there are instructions
on how to make liquid fertilizer.

It takes 2 weeks for liquid fertilizer to be ready to use so the facilitator should prepare
a batch of liquid fertilizer at least 2 weeks before the course so that participants can
experiment using it.


Photocopy enough of the “Liquid fertilizer” sections of the PC Book MOD 4 – Healthy
Soil so that each participant can take one set of references home.

Collect the materials and tools needed for:

  • Preparing the liquid fertilizer container with a lid (drum, plastic container, etc).

  • Creating the liquid fertilizer.

Create the liquid fertilizer with the participants.

See the “Compost” section of the PC Book MOD 4 – Healthy Soil for detailed
instructions on making liquid fertilizer, including:

  • Materials needed.

  • How to make it step by step.

  • How to maintain it.

  • How to use it.




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