INTRODUCTION: Permaculture Workshops 3
What is a Permaculture workshop?
A Permaculture workshop is a modified Permaculture
design course especially developed to enable people in
Indonesian rural communities to become more self-reliant.
By applying the basic Permaculture design principles, methods, strategies,
and techniques covered in this course, people can learn how to better provide for their
basic needs using local resources in cost effective, culturally appropriate, healthy, and
environmentally friendly ways.
Because the main focus of a Permaculture workshop is on integrating local best
practices with proven practices from other communities in similar situations, it provides
a common-sense approach to community self-development that can be adapted to suit
any community or culture.
While each Permaculture workshop will vary in content and emphasis, according to the
people, place, and time involved, the common goals of every Permaculture workshop are
to give participants:
- A good understanding of Permaculture ethics and design principles.
- Practical, simple, meaningful ways to integrate Permaculture into their daily lives.
- Skills to develop viable alternatives to replace destructive local practices.
- Tools for shifting their communities toward more ecological and healthy lifestyles.
- Tools for developing more sustainable and environmentally sound income
generating activities.
The success of a Permaculture workshop depends upon the real changes that occur
as a result of the course. Therefore, successful implementation of the Permaculture
workshop consists of:
- Careful pre-course planning and preparation.
- Delivery of appropriate training courses, including:
- The right subject materials for the target participants.
- At least 50% hands-on field practice per topic.
- The creation of practical demonstration projects by the participants.
- The completion of designs, by participants, which integrate the various modules
covered in the course.
- Post-course follow-up support
Section 2 of this handbook contains useful ideas about how to plan, prepare for, and lead
a successful course, as well as how to provide ongoing post-course support to ensure
that participants receive lasting benefit from the course by putting what they learn into