
(Nandana) #1
282 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Creative thinking : Animals cost and profit analysis

Method : Small group participatory brainstorm and whole group discussion

Tools : Large paper, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 10 - Animal Systems

Objective    :  Participants    calculate   costs   and profitability   of  different   animals

Prepare small ‘animal cards’ - draw a different animal on each card using the list of local
animals identified by the participants – E.g. cow, goat, duck, chicken, etc - Each card
should contain two different types of animals.

Step 1

Go through the following ideas with the participants, encouraging them to contribute as
much as possible, and write the key points on the board.

Before choosing the best animals for your system, take some time to consider
the following cost and profit factors:

  • Price to buy the animals.

  • Costs to build appropriate shelter for the animals.

  • Cost to feed the animals.

  • Breeding capacity:

    • How many offspring they can produce at one time?

    • How many times per year will they produce?

    • How many years will they produce for?

  • Time needed for the animals to mature for reselling.

  • Transportation costs.

  • Price you can get when selling the animals on the local market.

  • Cost of value adding animal by-products.

  • Resale value of animal by-products.

  • Other uses the animals can provide.

Step 2

  • Ask the participants to split up into smaller workgroups

  • A representative from each group can choose two or more animal cards
    depending on how many groups and animals there are.

Step 3

  • Have each workgroup come up with estimated costs for the different factors for
    the animals they have chosen.

  • The table on the following page is a simple format that can be used by the
    groups to create their lists.




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