
(Nandana) #1
308 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

Creative thinking : Identify local aquaculture species

Method : Participatory small groups brainstorm

Tools : Large paper, markers

References : PC Book MOD 11 - Aquaculture

Objective    :  Participants    list    local   fish    species and their   characteristics

Step 1

Using something like the table below, the facilitator can ask the participants to identify
local fish species (table 1).

The answers listed below are only supplied as guidelines for the facilitator
should the participants need help or prompting to develop ideas and

Local fish
species Feeding Habitat^ characteristics Breeding^ characteristics

Time till

Carp Medium feeder Shady, running water, naturally found in rivers Capable of producing thousands of offspring every year 2 years

Catfish Bottom feeder Muddy floor, running water, dark, love hiding places Capable of producing thousands of offspring every year 1 year

Wras Surface feeder Sunny water, often found in stagnant water Capable of producing thousands of offspring every year 6 months

Gurami Surface feeder Shady, running water, muddy floor Capable of producing thousands of offspring every year 3 years

Gold fish Medium feeder Shady, running water, muddy floor Capable of producing thousands of offspring every year 1 year

Fresh water


Clean and running water,
shady, rocky floor

Capable of producing thousands
of offspring every year 1 year
Table 1. Table 2. Fish characteristics

Step 2

Ask the participants to split up into smaller workgroups and have each workgroup come
up with lists of the characteristics for the fish (table 2):

  • Their feeding characteristics – What do they eat?

  • Habitat characteristics – Where do they live and eat in the pond?

  • Their breeding characteristics.

  • Time from birth to harvest.

Step 3

  • After each workgroup has created their lists, ask them to present the results to
    the entire group for feedback and other suggestions.

  • Place the lists in the training space so that it can be referenced during the rest of
    the workshop.

There is more information about some fish species in the “Types of fish” section in PC
Book MOD 11 – Aquaculture if needed.




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