
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 11: Aquaculture 311

Creative thinking : Design an aquaculture 3-D model

Method : Small group planning and designing 3-D models

Tools : See preparations below

References : PC Book MOD 11 - Aquaculture

Objective : Participants practice designing integrated aquaculture systems


  • Large paper and markers for the groups to make their plans.

  • Clay for building their models, approximately 2m x 2m model size per group if
    possible. Prepare enough soil so that groups of 8-10 participants can each work
    together to create models.

  • A supply of water and at least 1 watering can per group (if regular watering cans
    are not available, use tin cans with small nail holes in the bottoms).

  • Shovels, spades, hoes, and rakes for modeling.

  • Hand trowels and smaller tools for the finer detail of the models.

  • Other items that can be useful for making small models such as trees and
    plants, animal houses, animals, fish habitats (twine, cardboard, pens, small
    stones, cards or models to represent animals, etc).

Step 1 - Exercise orientation

The facilitator should discuss the objectives of the design exercise. The following
components can be listed on a board or a large piece of paper so all the participants can

see. Encourage the participants to include as many of the following principles as possible
in their models:

  1. To create a pond or system of ponds that are productive, healthy, and
    are as self-maintaining as possible.

  2. To create ponds with as much edge as possible - More edge = more
    food = bigger, healthier fish.

  3. To produce many different foods and products from the same area.

Some of the design factors to consider are:

  • Water supply.

  • Sun.

  • Size.

  • Depth.

  • Shape.

  • Water inflow.




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