
(Nandana) #1
340 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops




Community cooperatives can make community members feel better because:

  • There is more money/goods circulating in village.

  • There are more jobs in the village.

  • They can be proud of having their community name on products.

Different types of community cooperatives include:

  • Business/enterprise cooperatives

  • Resource trading/sharing cooperatives – Such as:

    • Tools.

    • Materials.

    • L abour.

  • Bulk purchasing cooperatives - reduces individual costs on food / materials

  • Community resource producing cooperative, including:

    • Drying and storing foods.

    • Seed saving and distribution.

    • Nurseries.

    • Community improvements such as buildings.

    • Disaster mitigation and management.

  • A combination of any or all of the above.

Presentation : Cooperative or small enterprise tree

Method : Facilitator presentation

Tools : Images, black/white board, markers

References : PC Book MOD 13 – Cooperatives and Enterprise Development

Objective : Participants learn about basic management structures and concepts

A good co-op or community business model is like a tree

  • First it starts with a seed. This seed is an idea.

  • Imagine the seed growing, first it will start developing roots, a trunk, and leaves.
    It searches for water and nutrients which represents and analysis of needs,
    available resources, products, marketing, and so on.

  • The tree will need a place to grow into its full size. This represents the right
    place, good planning, structure, and vision for the future, providing community
    support, training, financing, and transportation.

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