
(Nandana) #1

20 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops

2 hours
Farming tools, net, buckets, gloves,
natural tree fiver
Need to make sure someone in charge of system afterwards

10 mins
Didn't wpractice this tecork so well need to hnique
15 mins
Participants whygiene orried about
20 mins
Great ideas! Kfuture referenceeep notes for
1.25 hour
Tools, buckets, gloves, tape
measure, wooden pegs Good results, yes!
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers Not enough time Pstill confused articipants
45 mins
Farming tools, buckets, gloves,
glass Always a winner
30 mins
(4.45) Good comprehension
15 mins

15 mins
(8.15) Lots of questions from yesterday, great
15 mins
45 mins
Farming tools, mulch materials,
15 mins
Big paper, white board & markers
HANDOUTS for ALL Well received! Use again

30 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers Lot of responses
15 mins
1 hour
Farming tools, buckets, gloves,
legumes cuttings Watcdon't get inh the small guys that volved
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers, samples Well received! Use again
15 mins
30 mins
30 mins
45 mins
Tools, buckets, gloves, manures,
carbon materials Great results
45 mins
Buckets, gloves, manure, carbon,
tank, compost, sugar Good results, yes!
15 mins
Big paper, white board & markers
Participant had bad experience previously give worm stock
45 mins

Liquid Fertilizer, buckets, gloves,
sprayers Always a winner
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &

15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
1.15 hour
Tools, buckets, gloves, manure,
compost, worms
Note enough scrneed to make sure lateraps to feed
30 mins

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers Very good result

Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes

3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

Creative Facilitation : Form groups Participants are divided into work groups

Creative Facilitation : Energizer Re-energize and refocus the participants after lunch

Creative Facilitation : Energizer Re-energize and refocus the participants after lunch

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers HANDOUTS for ALL,
related images

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes
Field activity : Create filter for waste
Participants gain understanding in how to treat
water using locals resources

Presentation : Types of composting
Participants gain understanding of various
designs for composting toilets

12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers, related images

Need to remind evbring hats next timeeryone to

Creative thinking : Plan to eliminate
stagnant water
Participants exchange ideas about local plants
to help clean & oxygenize water
Field activity : Design a
Permaculture house
Participants design an integrated house design
in a creative way

Presentation : Soil improvement Participants understand about healthhow to improve soil y soil and

3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

Field activity : Simple method for
soil testing Participants learn how to test soil
Creative thinking : Identifying
nutrient deficiencies in soil
Participants learn about soil quality and
nutrient deficiencies and the solutions

Participants gain basic understanding in
nitrogen fixing trees & how to use them

Creative thinking : List legume type
& their uses
Participants identify and learn about local
varieties legumes

Evaluation : Q & A about
yesterday's activities
Evaluate level of understanding of yesterday's
workshop materials

Field activity : Various methods for
using legumes
Participants learn about and practice various
methods for using legumes
Presentation : About natural
Participants understand about principles &
benefits of natural fertilizers

Presentation : Various natural
fertilizers techniques
Participants gain basic understanding in how to
make natural fertilizers
Creative thinking : List natural
fertilizers types & their uses
Participants identify local varieties of natural
fertilizers & their uses
Field activity : Make a quick
compost heap
Participants learn how to make & maintain a
compost heap

Field activity : Make liquid fertilizer Participants learn holiquid compost w to make & maintain

Evaluation : Q & A about
yesterday's activities

Presentation : About worms for
healthy soil
Participants understand the connection
between worms & healthy soil
Field activity : Use liquid fertilizer Participants learn how to use liquid fertilizer

To evaluate level of understanding of yesterday
Field activity : Make a worm farm Participants learn how to make a worm farm
Creative thinking : List worm's

Participants identify & learn about local
resources that can be used for worm food

Not enough time Pstill confused articipants

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers, related images

Big sheets of paper, white board &

Presentation : Mulching for soil
Participants gain understanding about how
important it is to mulch soil
Field activity : Mulching gardens
Participants learn how to mulch soil using local
Presentation : Legumes & how to
use them

DAY 5 of 12 - Soil Improvement & Garden Preparation

DAY 6 of 12 - Worms & Seed Saving

Permaculture_Lesson_Plans.xls VDC 12 days 3 of 7

45 mins
Big paper, white board & markers

15 mins
(10.30) Related images & samples
30 mins
1 hour
10 mins
Forgot to copgive them out tomorroy the fact sheets w
10 mins
10 mins
1 1/2 hour
(3.00) Farming tools, buckets, gloves
15 mins
Big paper, white board, mm pad,
pencil, eraser & markers
Results quite different from earlier, check why
30 mins
45 mins
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &

15 mins
15 mins
30 mins
15 mins
45 mins

15 mins
15 mins
45 mins
(11.30) Note pads & pens for participants
30 mins
(12.00) Note pads & pens for participants
10 mins
20 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
1 1/2 hour
(3.00) Farming tools, buckets, gloves
10 mins
Big paper, white board & markers,
related images
25 mins
(3.45) Farming tools, buckets, gloves
1 hour
Tools, buckets, gloves, cardboard,
cutter, glue
Good design results thanks to Pak Gedur's demos!
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &

Presentation : About sustainable
farming (LEISA)
Participants gain basic understanding in
sustainable farming (LEISA)
Creative Thinking : Farming
chemicals pollution & cost
Participants have increased awareness of
impacts of unsustainable farming

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes

12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour

Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

Creative Facilitation : Energizer

Big sheets of paper, white board,
mm pad, pencil, eraser & markers

Creative Facilitation : Energizer Re-energize and refocus the participants
Big sheets of paper, white board,
mm pad, pencil, eraser & markers,
related images

Re-energize and refocus the participants after

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes

Creative Thinking : Design a Food
Participants learn local plants for food and how
to create a food calendar

Presentation : Food Storage &
Participants understand good hygiene &
techniques for food preservation
Creative Thinking : Food Storage &
Preservation Ideas
Participants share ideas & learn about various
ways to store & preserve food
Creative Thinking : Garden
Location & Design
Participants understand multi functions,
locations & energy efficient designs
12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour
Presentation : Garden Maintenance Participants understand key principles of good garden maintenance

Remember to talk about
ongoing maintenance of the demo gardens at the end of
the workshop

Field Activity : Creative gardens
using Natural Patterns
Participants practice creating pest resistant,
efficient garden designs

Presentation : Making Use of Space
& Time

Participants understand how to maximize the
space & time in gardens

Presentation : Designing & building
a garden system
Participants learn designing & building an
integrated garden system

3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

Farming tools, buckets, gloves Excellent

Evaluation : Q & A about
yesterday's activities

Field Activity : Design a garden
system Participants design an integrated garden system
Field Activity : Make raised garden
Participants practice techniques for raising beds
and the many benefits

Evaluate level of understanding of yesterday's
workshop materials

Presentation : Windbreaks for
Participants gain basic understanding in the
many benefits of using windbreaks
Creative Thinking : List of
productive windbreak plant
Participants identify local trees for windbreaks /
fruit & fodder etc.

Presentation : Natural fertilizer for
Participants understand appropriate natural
fertilizers & their benefits
Presentation : Mulch for farming Participants understand mulcimportant to use them h & why its so
Field activity : Farm observation &
analysis walk
Participants learn first hand about good & bad
farming practices
Field activity : Identify windbreak
Participants practice identifying the best
locations for windbreaks

Creative Thinking : Integrating farm
systems & crop rotation
Participants share ideas about integrating
systems and rotating crops
Field activity : Create terraces &
swales using an A frame

Participants practice using an A frame, and
create terraces & swales
3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

Use this opportunity to do some work over at Pak Gedur's

Presentation : Weed control Participants gain basic understanding in vnatural methods for weed control arious
Field activity : Weed control Participants prweed control methodsactice and adopt the natural
Creative Thinking : Make a 3-D
model of small farm
Participants integrate their learning and share
ideas through model making

Use this opportunity to do some more work over at Pak

Good garden designs, will need more seedlings soon

Farmers concerned about water, give special handouts
about wtomorrowater saving techniques

Too theoretical, Pasked if we could staak Gedur y an extra
couple of dafarm, suggest anys and go oyone ver his
interested can join extra

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers, related images

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers FACT SHEETS for ALL,
related images

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers HANDOUTS for ALL,
related images

DAY 9 of 12 - Sustainable Farming

Permaculture_Lesson_Plans.xls VDC 12 days 5 of 7

15 mins
Images of various natural plant
propagation systems
Session too short need more time
15 mins
Big paper, white board & markers
Good images! SaToby for Sulawesi picsy thanks to
30 mins
(11.00) GMO game cards
30 mins
(12.00) Big paperrelated images, white board & markers, Good response
10 mins
20 mins
Big paper, white board & markers
15 mins
Big paper, images of seed drier
white board & markers
30 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
45 mins
Farming tools, transparent plastic,
bamboos, nails
45 mins
Farming tools, buckets, gloves,
45 mins
(4.45) SEED CHECK LISTS for ALL, pens
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &

15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &
15 mins
Big paper, white board & markers,
images of farms
30 mins
Big paper, white board & markers
15 mins
45 mins

1 1/4 hours
Tools, buckets, gloves, cardboard,
cutter, glue Great design work
30 mins
(12.00) Farming tools, buckets, gloves
Always a winner could use
more carbon & finer sand
10 mins
35 mins
(1.45) Farming tools, buckets, gloves
Need to remember to ask participants to bring tools
1 1/4 hours
Farming tools, carpenter tools,
buckets, gloves Good comprehension
1.5 hours
Farming tools, carpenter tools,
buckets, gloves
15 mins
Big sheets of paper, white board &

15 mins
15 mins
15 mins
30 mins

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers HANDOUTS for ALL,
related images

Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

Field Activity : Start a Nursery Participants prnursery actice making an integrated

Creative Facilitation : Energizer Re-energize and refocus the participants after lunch

Creative Facilitation : Energizer Re-energize and refocus the participants after lunch

Participants gain basic understanding in
unsustainable farming practices

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes

Creative thinking : What are GMO? are made & potential problemsParticipants learn about GMOs and how they
Presentation : Seed saving and wParticipants hahy to save seedsve more knowledge about how
12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour

Presentation : How seeds are
Participants understand plants, flowers, seeds &
pollinating insects
Presentation : About GMOs

Creative thinking : How to save &
store seeds
Participants gain basic understanding in
techniques for saving & storing seeds
Presentation : Seed dryer design dryParticipants learn hoer w to design / make a seed

3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

Creative thinking : Design a
community seed saving group
Participant consider developing a community
seed saving group
Field activity : Make a seed dryer Participants learn and prusing a seed dryer actice constructing &

Sessions too short need more time

Field activity : Seed collection &
Participants learn and practice collecting,
saving & storing seeds

10 am - BREAK 15 minutes

Evaluation : Q & A about
yesterday's activities

Field activity : Test & document
seed viability
Participants gain basic understanding in how
to test & document seed viability

Evaluate level of understanding of yesterday's
workshop materials

Good results, yes!

Participants had some previous training and were able to
respond and picquickly k up ideas

Lots of inputs and enthusiasm follow up with Pak Maudin

Presentation : Different types of
agricultural system
Participants understand unsustainable &
sustainable practices like LEISA
Creative thinking : Compare
agricultural system
Participants better understand unsustainable &
sustainable agriculture
Presentation : Well Designed
Integrated Nurseries
Participants understand how to construct & use
an integrated nursery

Good response, requested special training and demo

Creative Thinking : Ideal Trees for
Local Nursery
Participants identify & learn about local
varieties of valuable trees for a nursery

Field Activity : 3-D Model of well
designed Nursery
Participants make an integrated nursery which
will save them labor & time

12 pm - LUNCH BREAK 1 hour

Field Activity : Make Good Quality
Potting Soil
Participants learn how and practice making
good quality potting soil mixes

Field Activity : Plant Propagation
Participants increase knowledge about
techniques for plant propagation

Field Activity : Start a Nursery
Participants practice making an integrated
Wrap up : Explain tomorrow's
agenda & review today
Participants remember what they have learned
& are prepared for tomorrow

Presentation : Good Nutrition good nutrition & healthParticipants increase their understanding about
Creative Thinking : Good Nutrition
from a Garden
Participants learn about how nutrition can be
enhanced with a home garden

Big sheets of paper, white board &
markers FACT SHEETS for ALL,
related images

Evaluation : Q & A about
yesterday's activities
Presentation : Home Gardens Participants gain basic understanding in wand how to start home gardens hy

Evaluate level of understanding of yesterday's
workshop materials

Excellent response from PPK group members

3 pm - BREAK 15 minutes

DAY 7 of 12 - Nurseries & Farming

DAY 8 of 12 - Nutrition, Garden Design and Beds

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