68 Facilitator’s Handbook for Permaculture Workshops
Field activity : Making and using an A-frame
Method : Construct an A-Frame and use it in the field
Tools : See detailed description in the PC Book MOD 8
References : PC Book MOD 8 – Forests, Tree Crops, and Bamboo
Objective : Participants learn how to construct and use an A-Frame
An A-Frame is a very practical and easy to construct measuring tool made out of wood
or bamboo that will help you to map out the slopes in the environment and determine
the best modifications to the area for maximum productivity.
Using an A-Frame will help people to map the landscape so they can design and create
planting areas including orchards, swales, terraces, rice paddies, gardens beds, etc that
are more productive and less prone to loss of soil and water.
An A-Frame is about 2m high and is built in the shape of the letter “A”. It is used to mark
the land where the swale will go. A-Frames are very easy to make and to use.
For detailed instructions on making and using A-frames including:
- Materials needed to make an A- Fame.
- How to constructing an A-Frame.
- How to use the A-Frame.
See the detailed description in the PC Book MOD 8 - Forests, Tree Crops, and