
(Nandana) #1
Workshop Module 2: Natural Patterns and Permaculture Design 81

Creative thinking : Recycling and disposal of community waste

Method : Small group brainstorms, whole group discussion

Tools : Large paper, markers, black/white board, IDEP waste factsheet

References : PC Book MOD 3 - Houses, Water, and Waste Management

Objective : Participants    understand  the  benefits   of   recycling  and  waste  management

Step 1

Do a group brainstorm with the participants to identify and list the different types of

wastes that are created in their community. On the board create a table something like

the following; leave the answers to the questions blank so that the participants can

come up with their own ideas (Table 1.)

Step 2

Ask the participants to split up into smaller work groups (see the Appendices for ideas

about using a creative group techniques) and brainstorm how those wastes could be

recycled. Once each work group has completed their brainstorms, they can present their

ideas to the whole group (Table 2.)

The answers listed below are only supplied as guidelines for the facilitator to prompt

ideas and discussions.

Type of waste Common disposal Recycling ideas

Plastic bags, plastic

Dumped in yards and rivers,

Sell to waste collectors, send to recycling
facilities, or reuse

Plastic bottles Picked up by waste collectors, dumped, burned Sell to waste collectors, send to recycling facilities, or reuse

Paper Picked up by waste collectors, dumped, burned Sell to waste collectors, send to recycling facilities, make recycled paper

Leaves Burned or left to rot Use as mulch or compost

Rice husks Mostly burned, sometimes used for cooking Use as mulch or compost

Tin cans and other

Picked up by waste collectors,
dumped, burned

Sell to waste collectors, send to recycling
Kitchen wastes Fed to pigs, dumped Feed to pigs, use as compost
Toxic chemicals
(paints, oils), batteries Dumped, burned

Special areas for paints, used oil, etc, if
possible send to waste treatment facilities

Glass bottles Reused, sold, dumped Sell to waste collectors, send to recycling facilities

Table 1. Group brainstorm types of wastes Table 2. Recycling ideas




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