508 Handbook of herbs and spices
farming, vermicompost has emerged as a best source of organic nutrients. To ensure
optimum growth and yield of oil of high quality, vermicompost (@10 t/ha) is
recommended for peppermint (M. piperita) (Khanuja et al., 2004). Because essentially
there is no difference between M. piperita and M. spicata for their cultivation and
organic farming, the same recommendation (10 t/ha vermicompost) is suggested for
also M. spicata.
31.3.9 Important Indian varieties
The use of its high-yielding varieties is an essential prelude to achieving success in
commercial cultivation of spearmint. Indian spearmint now has a couple of high-
yielding varieties which are described in brief in Table 31.1. Among the varieties
discussed above, the interspecific hybrid Neer kalka (Fig. 31.2) has emerged as the
most popular variety for large-scale commercial cultivation in view of its high yield
potential and profuse stolon reproductivity that is usually not observed in other
Table 31.1 Characteristics and origin of spearmint cultivars
S. Cultivars Characteristics Origin
Medium tall; growth erect; stem medium hard, largely green,
lower portion magenta coloured, 4.6 mm thick; leaf:stem
ratio 0.58; leaves elliptic ovate, green 6.4 cm^2 size;
inflorescence raceme of verticillasters, upper cymes
condensed and lower cymes lax, sessile; flowers white,
medium in fertility; essential oil content in fresh shoot
herb 0.62%; oil carvone rich (65%); medium in yield.
Medium tall; growth erect, vigorous; stem hard, largely
green, lower portion magenta coloured, 4.2 mm thick;
leaf:stem ratio 0.60; leaves elliptic-ovate, green, 6.8 cm^2
size; inflorescence similar to that of cv. MSS-5, early
flowering; essential oil content in fresh shoot herb 0.65%;
oil carvone rich (68%); medium in yield.
Medium tall; growth semi-erect; stem medium hard, largely
green, lower portion light magenta coloured, 4.1 mm thick;
leaf:stem ratio 0.54; leaves elliptic, green, 4.5 cm^2 size;
inflorescence raceme of verticillasters, cymes condensed,
sessile; flowers purplish white, low fertile; essential oil
content in fresh shoot herb 0.45%; oil carvone rich (58%);
oil yield low; unique odour and flavour.
Tall; growth erect; stem soft, largely green, purple pigmented
at base, 5.5 mm thick; leaf:stem ratio 0.61; leaves ovate-
elliptic, green, 6.9 cm^2 size; inflorescence racemose of
axillary verticillasters; flowers whitish purple, fertile;
essential oil content in fresh shoot herb 1.0%; oil rich in
carvone (72%) and limonene (9.7%); high oil yield (growth
properties mostly like that of its female parent M. arvensis
cv. Kalka and oil quality mostly like that of its male parent
M. spicata cv. Neera.
Clonal selection
in the accession
Clonal selection
of cv. MSS-5
F 1 hybrid from
the cross: M.
arvensis cv.
Kalka X M.
spicata cv. Neera
Source: (Bahl et al., 2000 and Patra et al. 2001).