Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


of any pathologic changes in organs or tissues. Clinical studies suggest utility if atherosclerosis,
cardiopathy, GI disorders, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure (FAD). Commission E
approvals differ; Blumenthal et al. (1998) approve 4 g fresh garlic or equivalent preparations
“supportive to dietary measures at elevated levels of lipids in blood and preventative measures
for age-dependent vascular changes” while Gruenwald et al. (1998) approve for almost the same
things for which they approve echinacea, viz. atherosclerosis, bronchosis, cold, cough, fever,
pharyngosis, stomatosis, and “tendency to infection.”

GARLIC WEED (Petiveria alliacea L.) +

Activities (Garlic Weed) — Abortifacient (1; 60P; TRA; WOI; X1841991); Analgesic (1;
60P; TRA; X1842010); Anesthetic (1; TRA; X1841991); Antiinflammatory (1; 60P; TRA);
Antimitotic (1; X8081301); Antipyretic (f; IED; X1841991); Antiseptic (1; 60P; TRA); Anti-
spasmodic (1; 60P; TRA; WOI); Antitrypanosomic (1; X9741882); Antitumor (1; TRA; 60P);
Antitussive (f; DAV); Aphrodisiac (f; IED); Candidicide (1; 60P); CNS Depressant (1; DAV);
Contraceptive (f; DAV); Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor (1; TRA); Depurative (f; 60P); Diaphoretic
(f; JFM); Diuretic (f; JFM; WOI); Emmenagogue (f; IED; JFM; WOI); Expectorant (f; 60P;
WOI); Hypoglycemic (1; ABS; X2100880); Immunostimulant (1; X10084333; 60P); Insecti-
cide (f; 60P); Insectifuge (f; 60P); Mutagenic (1; X1377342); Nematicide (f; 60P); Nervine
(f; JFM); Phagocytotic (f; 60P); Sedative (1; X1841991); Uterotonic (f; 60P); Vermifuge (f;

Indications (Garlic Weed) — Arthrosis (1; 60P; X1842010); Asthma (f; JFM); Boil (f; JFM);
Bronchosis (f; DAV); Bug Bite (f; DAV); Cancer (1; HAD; IED; TRA; 60P); Candida (1; 60P);
Cardiopathy (f; JFM); Childbirth (f; 60P; IED); Cholera (f; 60P); Cold (f; 60P); Cramp (1; 60P;
JFM; TRA; WOI); Cystosis (f; JFM); Dermatosis (f; 60P; TRA); Diabetes (1; X2100880); Diarrhea
(f; JFM); Dysmenorrhea (f; JFM); Dyspepsia (1; TRA); Edema (1; TRA); Fever (f; IED; JFM;
X1841991); Flu (f; JFM; TRA); Headache (f; JFM; TRA); Hoarseness (f; JFM); Hysteria (f; JFM);
Immunodepression (1; X10084333; 60P); Inflammation (1; 60P; TRA); Insomnia (1; X1841991);
Listeria (1; X10084333); Myalgia (f; TRA); Nerves (f; 60P; WOI); Nervousness (1; X1841991);
Osteoarthrosis (1; ABS); Pain (1; 60P; JFM; TRA; X1841991; X1842010); Paralysis (f; JFM);
Pertussis (f; JFM; WOI); Pneumonia (f; DAV); Pulmonosis (f; IED); Rheumatism (f; JFM; TRA);
Ringworm (f; JFM); Scabies (f; DAV); Sinusosis (f; TRA); Snakebite (f; IED); Spasm (f; JFM);
Toothache (f; 60P; TRA); Tumor (1; TRA; 60P); VD (f; 60P; JFM); Water Retention (f; JFM;
WOI); Worm (f; IED; JFM); Yeast (1; 60P).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Garlic Weed) — Diabetic and pregnant
patients should not use it (TRA). LD50 360 mg/kg rat (TRA).

GBANJA KOLA (Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott & Endl.) ++

Synonym — Sterculia nitida Vent.

Activities (Gbanja Kola) — Aphrodisiac (f; CRC); Astringent (f; CRC); Nervine (f; CRC); Poison
(f; CRC); Restorative (f; CRC); Sedative (f; CRC); Stimulant (f; CRC); Stomachic (f; CRC); Tonic
(f; CRC).

Indications (Gbanja Kola) — Conception (f; CRC); Dysentery (f; CRC); Dyspepsia (f; CRC);
Fatigue (f; CRC); Infertility (f; CRC); Insomnia (f; CRC); Malaria (f; CRC); Nausea (f; CRC);
Nervousness (f; CRC); Toothache (f; CRC).

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