Regrettably, PH2 lists American ginseng (P. quinquefolius) and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus
senticosus) among the trade names for oriental ginseng (Panax ginseng), and lists notoginsenosides
among the chemicals, rendering the entire PH2 entry suspect as an aggregation of many species
in two genera (PH2).
Activities (Ginseng) — Adaptogen (1; KEB; MAB; SHT; WHO); Adrenergic (1; AKT); Alter-
ative (f; CRC; DAA; PED); Analgesic (f; CRC; DAA); Antiaging (f; AKT; MAB); Antiaggregant
(1; PH2; PNC); Antialcoholic (1; KEB; MAB; PH2); Antiarrhythmic (1; KEB; PH2); Anticancer
(1; PH2); Anticatecholamine (1; PH2); Anticholinergic (1; KEB; PH2); Anticonvulsant (f; FAY);
Antidepressant (1; BGB); Antidiuretic (f; KEB); Antifatigue (1; BGB; PNC; WHO); Anti-
hepatomic (1; KEB); Antiinflammatory (1; KEB); Antiischemic (1; KEB); Antimitogenic (1;
DAA); Antioxidant (1; BGB; PH2); Antiprolactin (1; WHO); Antiprostatic (1; KEB); Antipsy-
chotic (f; FAY); Antiradiation (1; MAB; WHO); Antiseptic (f; CRC; DAA); Antithromboxane
(1; PH2); Antitumor (1; BGB; KEB; WHO); Antiulcer (1; APA; FAY); Antiwrinkle (f; MAB);
Antiviral (1; WHO); Anxiolytic (1; BGB; KEB); Aperitif (f; CRC; DAA); Aphrodisiac (1; APA;
CRC; DAA); Apoptotic (1; PH2); Bitter (f; PED); Cardiotonic (1; AKT; APA; DAA; KEB; PED);
Carminative (f; CRC; DAA); Caspase Stimulator (1; PH2); Chemopreventive (1; MAB); Circu-
lostimulant (1; PED); CNS Sedative (1; FAY; KEB; PNC); CNS Stimulant (1; KEB; PNC);
Corticotrophinogenic (1; PH2); Cytotoxic (1; PH2); Demulcent (f; CRC; DAA); Diuretic (f;
CRC; DAA); Elevates HDL-Cholesterol (1; MAB); Emetic (f; CRC); Energizer (1; APA);
Estrogenic (1; DAA; KEB; PNC); Ethanolytic (1; KEB); Expectorant (f; CRC; DAA); Fatigue
(f; APA); Gonadotropic (1; CRC; KEB); Hemopoietic (1; KEB); Hepatoprotective (1; KEB; PH2;
WHO); Hepatotonic (1; PED); Hyperglycemic (1; KEB); Hypertensive (1; PNC); Hypocholes-
terolemic (1; BGB; PH2); Hypoglycemic (1; DAA; KEB; PNC; WHO); Hypotriglyceridemic (1;
BGB; PH2); Immunostimulant (1; APA; PED; MAB; PH2; WHO); Interferonigenic (1; KEB;
PH2); Memorigenic (1; BGB; KEB); Mineralcorticoid (1; KEB); Mitogenic (1; DAA); Negative
Chronotropic (1; PH2); Negative Inotropic (1; PH2); Nervine (f; CRC; PH2); Neurotonic (f;
CRC; PH2); Nicotinic (1; PH2); NKC-Genic (1; PH2); NO-genic (1; BGB; PH2); Nootropic (1;
KEB); Osteoprotective (1; MAB); Phagocytotic (1; KEB); Positive Inotropic (1; PH2); Radio-
protective (1; BGB; FAY; HH2); Respirastimulant (f; FAY); Roborant (f; BGB); Secretagogue
(1; APA); Sedative (f; APA; DAA); Serotonilytic (1; KEB); Sialagogue (f; CRC; DAA); Sper-
matogenic (1; KEB); Stimulant (f; CRC; PNC); Stomachic (f; CRC); Testosteronigenic (1; KEB);
Thymoleptic (f; MB); Tonic (1; AKT; CRC; DAA; KOM; MAB; SHT); Tranquilizer (f; CRC;
DAA); Ulcerogenic (1; FAY); Vasodilator (1; BGB).
Indications (Ginseng) — Aging (1; CRC; DAA); Alcoholism (1; KEB; MAB; PH2); Amnesia (f;
APA; CRC; DAA); Anemia (f; AKT; CRC; FAY); Angina (f; KEB); Anorexia (f; APA; BGB; DAA;
PH2); Anxiety (1; BGB; KEB; MAB; PH2); Arrhythmia (1; DAA; KEB; PH2); Asthma (f; CRC;
DAA; KEB; MAB); Atherosclerosis (f; CRC; DAA); Bleeding (f; CRC); Bite (f; CRC); Boil (f;
CRC); Bruise (f; CRC); Cachexia (2; CRC; KOM; PH2; SHT); Cancer (1; APA; BGB; CRC; DAA;
KEB; JLH; PH2; WHO); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, lung (1; KEB); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH);
Carcinoma (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; KEB); Chemotherapy (f; AKT); Cold (f; JAD); Colitis (f;
APA); Convalescence (1; KOM; SHT; WHO); Convulsion (f; CRC; DAA; FAY; MAB); Cough (f;
CRC; WHO); Debility (2; FAY; KOM; PH2; SHT; WHO); Depression (1; BGB; KEB); Diabetes
(1; CRC; KEB; PH2; WHO); Divination (f; CRC); Dysentery (f; CRC; DAA); Dysmenorrhea (f;
CRC; DAA); Dyspepsia (f; CRC; DAA; MAB); Dyspnea (f; DAA; KEB; MAB; WHO); Enterosis
(f; CRC; DAA); Epilepsy (f; CRC; DAA); Epistaxis (f; CRC; DAA); Fatigue (2; AKT; CRC; DAA;
KOM; PH2; SHT; WHO); Fear (f; CRC; DAA); Fever (f; CRC; DAA; WHO); Flu (f; PH2); Gas
(f; CRC; DAA); Gastrosis (1; CRC; PH2; WHO); Gonadotrophy (f; DAA); Hangover (f; CRC;
DAA); Headache (f; APA; DAA); Heart (f; CRC); Hemoptysis (f; DAA; PH2); Hepatoma (1; KEB;
HH2); Hepatosis (2; WHO); High Blood Pressure (f; CRC; DAA); High Cholesterol (1; BGB;
KEB; PH2); Hyperglycemia (f; CRC; DAA); Hypoglycemia (1; KEB); Hypothermia (f; WHO);