HEDGE HYSSOP (Gratiola officinalis L.) X
Activities (Hedge Hyssop) — Cardiotonic (1; PH2); Cytotoxic (1; PNC); Digitalic (1; HHB);
Diuretic (1; EFS; PH2; PNC); Emetic (f; EFS; PNC); Laxative (1; HHB; MAD; PH2; PNC);
Parasiticide (1; PH2); Toxic (1; HHB); Vermifuge (f; HHB); Vulnerary (f; MAD).
Indications (Hedge Hyssop) — Adenopathy (f; MAD); Anemia (f; MAD); Anorexia (f; MAD);
Cancer (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (1; PH2); Catarrh (f; HHB; MAD; PH2); Chlorosis (f; MAD);
Colic (f; MAD; PH2); Constipation (1; HHB; MAD; PH2; PNC); Cystosis (f; PH2); Delirium
(f; MAD); Dermatosis (f; PH2); Diarrhea (f; MAD); Dropsy (f; MAD); Dysuria (f; MAD);
Emphysema (f; MAD); Enterosis (f; HHB); Epilepsy (f; MAD); Erectile Dysfunction (f; MAD);
Gastrosis (f; HHB; PH2); Gonorrhea (f; MAD); Gout (f; HHB; MAD); Hemorrhoid (f; MAD);
Hepatosis (f; PH2); Hypochondria (f; MAD); Insanity (f; MAD); Jaundice (f; MAD); Leukorrhea
(f; MAD); Malaria (f; MAD); Melancholy (f; HHB; MAD); Nephrosis (f; PH2); Nymphomania
(f; HHB); Osteosis (f; MAD); Parasite (1; PH2); Psychosis (f; MAD); Pulmonosis (f; MAD);
Scabies (f; MAD); Slimness (f; MAD); Splenosis (f; EFS; MAD); Syphilis (f; MAD); Ulcus
cruris (f; MAD); Varicosis (f; MAD); VD (f; MAD); Water Retention (1; EFS; MAD; PH2;
PNC); Worm (f; HHB).
Dosages (Hedge Hyssop) — 0.3 g/cup herb tea (HHB; PH2); 0.15–0.3 g powdered herb or
decoction thereof (MAD).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Hedge Hyssop) — “Hazards and/or side
effects not recorded for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Cucurbitacins very irritant to mucous
membranes. Overdosage can cause diuresis, even anuria, and finally, circulatory collapse, colic,
and cramps. Fatalities rare; after cramps, circulatory collapse, and paralysis (PH2). Use can cause
bloody stools and kidney irritation (EFS).
HEDGE MUSTARD (Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop.) ++
Synonym: Erysimum officinale L.
Activities (Hedge Mustard) — Analgesic (1; HH2; PH2); Antispasmodic (1; HH2; PH2); Astrin-
gent (f; EFS); Cardiotonic (1; EFS; PH2); Diuretic (f; CEB; EFS; FEL); Expectorant (f; CEB;
EFS); Litholytic (f; EFS); Pectoral (f; EFS); Stimulant (f; EFS); Vermifuge (f; CEB).
Indications (Hedge Mustard) — Aphonia (f; PH2); Asthma (f; FEL; HHB); Backache (f; CEB);
Bite (f; CEB); Bronchosis (f; PH2); Cancer (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, breast (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer,
testes (1; FNF; JLH); Canker (f; CEB); Catarrh (f; CEB; HHB); Cholecystosis (f; PH2); Colic
(f; CEB); Cough (f; CEB; FEL; HHB); Cramp (1; DEM; HH2; PH2); Croup (f; DEM); Cystosis
(f; HHB); Dyspnea (f; CEB); Dysuria (f; FEL); Hoarseness (1; CEB; FEL; HHB; PH2); Induration
(f; JLH); Inflammation (f; PH2); Jaundice (f; CEB); Kidney Stone (f; HHB); Laryngosis (1;
PH2); Mastosis (f; JLH); Nephrosis (f; HHB); Orchosis (f; JLH); Pain (1; CEB; HH2; PH2);
Pharyngosis (1; PH2); Pleurisy (f; CEB); Pulmonosis (f; CEB); Sciatica (f; CEB); Sore (f; CEB);
Sore Throat (f; CEB); Stone (f; EFS); Swelling (f; CEB); Water Retention (f; CEB; EFS; FEL);
Worm (f; CEB).
Dosages (Hedge Mustard) — Steep 40–60 g dry leaf/liter water overnight, drink 4–5 cups next
day with honey (CEB); take juice of fresh plant with honey and milk (CEB); 5–30 grains powdered
seed (FEL); 0.5–1 g plant in tea 3–4 ×/day (HH2; PH2).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Hedge Mustard) — Not covered (AHP).
“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Cardiac (digitalic)
effects possible, arrhythmia, diarrhea, headache, nausea, queasiness, and vomiting (PH2).