doses/day (APA); 1 tsp fresh fruit (PED); 0.5 g dry fruit (PED); 0.5 g dry fruit:3 ml alcohol/2
ml water (PED); 1.5–6 g dry fruit/day or 3–12 ml fluid extract (1:2) (KEB); 2–4 ml fruit tincture
3 ×/day (SKY).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Magnolia Vine) — Class 1. Rarely,
appetite suppression, dyspepsia, and itch are attendant (AHP; LAF). Leaves and fruits are
considered food in the Orient (FAC). Contraindicated in pregnancy except to facilitate child-
birth (KEB).
Extracts (Magnolia Vine) — “Lignans regenerate liver tissue damaged by harmful influences
such as viral hepatosis and alcohol. Lignans lower blood levels of serum glutamic pyruvic
transaminase (SGPT), a marker for infective hepatosis and other liver disorders” (SKY).
Lignans improve activities requiring concentration and fine coordination in humans (KEB).
Several contained lignans are antilipoperoxidants, and stimulate superoxide dismutase and
catalase (BRU). Gomisin A protects against hepatocarcinogenesis and liver damage in various
animal models via induction of hepatic enzyme systems and proliferation of the endoplasmic
reticulum of liver cells. It is being studied as a human hepatoprotectant. Schisanhenol protects
rat heart mitochondria from adriamycin toxicity without antagonizing its antitumor activity
(KEB). Schisanhenol and, less so, schisandrin B, protect rat brain from oxidative stress (KEB).
Foster and Yue (1992) note that the drug has been clinically tried in more than 5000 hepatitis
cases, successfully lowering SGPT levels 84–97.9% (FAY). Schisandra is hepatoprotective
against acetaminophen, aflatoxin, CCl4, chloroform, galactosamine, gossypol acetic acid, and
thioacetamide. Schisandra in 189 patients with hepatitis C returned alanine-transferase to
normal, and increased liver protein and glycogen synthesis. Alcohol extracts help regenerate
liver tissues (SHB).
MAIDENHAIR FERN (Adiantum capillus-veneris L.) ++
Activities (Maidenhair Fern) — Antipyretic (f; DAA; DEP); Astringent (1; HHB); Demulcent (f;
PH2); Depurative (f; DAA); Diaphoretic (f; DAA); Diuretic (f; DAA); Emetic (f; DAA); Emmen-
agogue (f; HHB); Emollient (f; DAA); Expectorant (f; DAA; PH2); Hypoglycemic (1; HH2);
Laxative (f; DAA); Pectoral (f; DAA; DEP; PH2); Propecic (f; DAA; PH2); Stimulant (f; DAA);
Tonic (f; DAA).
Indications (Maidenhair Fern) — Alopecia (f; DAA); Asthma (f; DAA); Bronchosis (f; HH2;
PH2); Catarrh (f; DAA; DEP); Cephalosis (f; DAA); Childbirth (f; DAA); Chill (f; DAA);
Cold (f; DAA; WO3); Constipation (f; DAA); Cough (f; HH2; PH2); Cystosis (f; DAA);
Diabetes (f; HH2); Dropsy (f; DAA); Dysmenorrhea (f; DAA; HH2; PH2); Fever (f; DAA;
DEP); Gravel (f; DAA; GMH); Gray Hair (f; PH2); Headache (f; WO3); Head Cold (f; DAA);
Hepatosis (f; DAA); Hyperglycemia (1; HH2); Insanity (f; DEM); Jaundice (f; GMH); Neph-
rosis (f; GMH); Pain (f; PH2); Pertussis (f; HH2; PH2); Pleurisy (f; GMH); Pulmonosis (f;
DAA); Respirosis (f; DAA; HHB; PH2); Rheumatism (f; DEM); Rhinosis (f; DAA; HH2);
Sclerosis (f; DAA); Snakebite (f; DAA); Sting (f; DEM); Stone (f; DAA); Swelling (f; GMH);
Water Retention (f; DAA).
Dosages (Maidenhair Fern) — 1 oz herb/pint boiling water, sweetened (GMH); 1.5 g herb/cup
tea (HH2; PH2).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Maidenhair Fern) — Not covered (AHP).
“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Not for use during
pregnancy (PH2).