The Herbal PDR uses Antelaea. The USDA continues to use Azadirachta. Many authors, including
KAP, have confused neem and chinaberry.
Activities (Neem) — Alterative (f; DAD; SUW); Amebicide (1; WO2); Analgesic (1; APA);
Anorectic (f; KAB); Antiaggregant (1; WO2); Antiarrhythmic (1; WO2); Antibacterial (1;
WO2); Antidiabetic (f; WO2); Antifeedant (f; WO2); Antiinflammatory (1; APA; PH2; WO2);
Antiperiodic (1; DAD); Antiplaque (1; APA); Antipyretic (1; APA; DAD; PH2); Antiseptic (1;
APA; DAD; SUW); Antiviral (1; WO2); Aphrodisiac (f; KAB); Astringent (1; APA; DAD;
SUW); Bitter (1; APA; SUW); Carminative (f; KAB); Contraceptive (1; APA; SKJ); Demulcent
(f; SKJ; SUW); Deobstruent (f; DAD); Depurative (f; KAB); Detersive (f; DAD); Discutient
(f; DAD); Diuretic (1; DAD; WO2); Emmenagogue (f; SKJ); Emollient (f; DAD); Errhine (f;
KAB); Expectorant (f; KAB); Fungicide (f; WO2); Insectifuge (1; APA; DAD); Larvicide (1;
APA); Laxative (f; DAD); Narcotic (1; PH2); Nematicide (1; DAD; WO2); Parasiticide (1;
DAD); Pectoral (f; KAB); Pediculicide (1; PH2); Pesticide (1; APA); Pulicide (1; DAD);
Sedative (f; DAD); Spermicide (1; APA; DAD); Stimulant (f; DAD); Stomachic (f; DAD;
SUW); Tonic (f; DAD; SUW); Uterocontractant (1; WO2); Vermifuge (f; DAD); Vulnerary (1;
Indications (Neem) — Adenopathy (f; JLH; WO2); Allergy (f; MBB); Alopecia (f; WO2);
Ameba (1; WO2); Amenorrhea (f; KAB); Arrhythmia (1; WO2); Asthma (f; DAD); Bacteria
(1; WO2); Biliousness (f; KAB); Bite (f; DAD); Boil (f; DAD; MBB; SUW); Bruise (f; WO2);
Burn (f; DAD); Cancer (f; DAD; JLH); Cancer, abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, colon (f; JLH);
Cancer, gland (f; JLH); Cancer, parotid (f; JLH); Cancer, skin (f; JLH); Carbuncle (f; DAD);
Cardiopathy (1; APA; SKJ); Catarrh (f; KAB; SUW); Childbirth (f; DAD; KAB); Cholera (1;
DAD; WO2); Constipation (f; DAD); Cowpox (f; KAB); Debility (f; KAB); Dermatosis (1;
APA; DAD; JLH; MBB; SUW); Diabetes (1; APA; WO2); Diarrhea (f; DAD; SKJ); Dusgeusia
(f; KAB); Dysentery (f; SKJ); Dyspepsia (f; KAB; PH2); Dysuria (f; SKJ; WO2); Earache (f;
WO2); Eczema (f; DAD; SUW); Enterosis (f; SKJ); Fatigue (f; KAB); Fever (1; APA; DAD;
MBB; PH2); Fungus (f; MBB; WO2); Furunculosis (f; DAD); Gingivosis (1; APA; DAD;
SUW); Gray Hair (f; WO2); Heat Rash (f; DAD); Hemorrhoid (f; APA; WO2); Hepatosis (f;
SKJ); Hernia (f; DAD); Herpes (f; DAD); Infection (f; MBB; WO2); Inflammation (1; APA;
PH2; WO2); Insomnia (f; DAD); Itch (f; MBB); Jaundice (f; SKJ); Leprosy (f; DAD; MBB;
PH2); Leukoderma (f; WO2); Malaria (1; APA; DAD; MBB; PH2; SUW); Measles (f; DAD);
Metrosis (1; WO2); Mycosis (f; WO2); Nausea (f; DAD); Nervousness (f; DAD); Pain (1;
APA); Parasite (1; DAD; KAB); Parotosis (f; JLH); Pediculosis (f; PH2); Plaque (1; APA);
Protozoa (1; KAB); Pyorrhea (f; DAD); Rheumatism (f; DAD; SUW); Rhinosis (f; KAB);
Ringworm (1; DAD); Salmonella (1; WO2); Scabies (1; APA; DAD); Scald (f; DAD); Scrofula
(f; DAD); Seborrhea (f; DAD); Smallpox (f; DAD); Snakebite (f; DAD; SUW); Sore (f; DAD;
SUW); Splenosis (f; DAD); Sprain (f; WO2); Sting (f; KAB; SUW); Stomatosis (f; DAD);
Syphilis (1; DAD; KAB); Toothache (f; DAD); Toxemia (f; MBB); Tuberculosis (f; SKJ);
Ulcer (1; APA); VD (1; KAB); Virus (1; WO2); Worm (1; APA; DAD; PH2); Wound (1; APA;
Dosages (Neem) — 2–4 (500 mg) leaf-powder capsules with meals (trade recommendation); 100
g bark soaked in 1 liter water daily for one month as male contraceptive (SKJ).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Neem) — Not covered (AHP). No health
hazards known at proper dosage levels (PHR). Excessive doses can cause convulsions, dyspnea,
stupor, even death (APA). The oil seems to be more toxic to children because of an as yet
undefined toxin that is particularly significant to younger people. Intoxication suggests Reye’s