Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pagoda Tree) — Not covered (AHP). “Haz-
ards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no
specific quantified dosage! JAD). Old reports suggest that chronic ingestion can lead to edema,
possibly even death (HHB; PH2). Flowers (with 13 up to 30% rutin) extracted in hot water can
yield 80–85% of their rutin (WOI). If true, a gram of dry flower containing 250 mg rutin could
yield a tea containing 200 mg rutin, a pharmacologically significant dose, if early Merck indices
were correct in suggesting only a daily oral dose of 20 mg/day. Werbach suggests 60 mg/day might
help stave off glaucoma.

PAKISTANI EPHEDRA (Ephedra gerardiana Wall. ex Stapf) +

Activities (Pakistani Ephedra) — Alterative (f; CRC); Analeptic (1; WOI); Anesthetic (1; WOI);
Antipyretic (f; KAB); Astringent (f; CRC; KAB); Bronchodilator (1; WOI); Cardiodepressant
(f; CRC); Cardiotonic (f; KAB); CNS Stimulant (1; CRC; WOI); Decongestant (1; WOI);
Diaphoretic (f; CRC; KAB); Diuretic (f; CRC); Mydriatic (f; CRC); Myodepressant (f; CRC);
Respirastimulant (1; WOI); Stomachic (f; CRC); Tonic (f; CRC); Uterocontractant (1; WOI);
Vasoconstrictor (1; WOI).
Indications (Pakistani Ephedra) — Allergy (f; CRC); Asthma (1; CRC; KAB; SKJ); Bronchosis
(f; SKJ); Cold (f; CRC); Congestion (1; WOI); Coryza (f; WOI); Cough (f; CRC); Depression (1;
WOI); Dermatosis (f; CRC); Diarrhea (f; CRC); Diphtheria (f; KAB); Edema (f; CRC); Emphysema
(1; CRC); Enuresis (f; CRC; SKJ); Epilepsy (f; CRC); Eruption (f; CRC); Exophthalmia (f; CRC);
Fever (f; CRC; KAB); Goiter (f; CRC); Hay Fever (1; CRC; SKJ; WOI); Headache (f; CRC); Heart
(f; KAB); Hyperemia (1; CRC); Hypotension (f; CRC); Itch (f; CRC); Malaria (f; CRC); Mucososis
(f; WOI); Myasthenia gravis (f; CRC); Narcolepsy (1; WOI); Pain (1; WOI); Pertussis (f; CRC);
Pneumonia (f; KAB); Rash (f; SKJ); Respirosis (f; KAB); Rheumatism (f; CRC); Rhinosis (1;
CRC; WOI); Sinusosis (f; SKJ; WOI); Syphilis (f; KAB); Urticaria (f; CRC); VD (f; CRC).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pakistani Ephedra) — “Classified by the
FDA as an Herb of Undefined Safety.” “Used as an antisyphilitic. Also used as an astringent. A
Chinese species, Ephedra sinica, called ‘ma-huang’ in China, contains the alkaloid ephedrine, a
powerful decongestant.” In large doses, ephedrine causes headache, indigestion, nervousness, flush-
ing, numbing of the extremities, nausea, tingling, palpitations, and vertigo. Contact dermatosis may
occur at onset of application or as much as 2 years later. (CRC).

PANSY (Viola tricolor L.) ++

Synonym: V. tricolor var. hortensis DC.
Can be substituted for V. odorata L.(FEL).
Activities (Pansy) — Analgesic (1; CEB; WAM); Antiinflammatory (1; PHR; PNC); Antioxidant
(1; PHR); Antiseptic (1; CEB); Demulcent (1; WAM); Depurative (f; FAD; FEL; KAB); Diaphoretic
(1; HH2); Diuretic (1; FAD; HH2; PNC); Emetic (f; WOI); Expectorant (f; FAD; PNC); Hemolytic
(1; HH2; PH2); Laxative (f; FAD; PHR; PH2; WOI); Metabolic Stimulant (f; PHR); Natriuretic
(1; HH2; PH2); Sedative (f; FAD); Stimulant (f; KAB); Tineacide (f; KAB); Vulnerary (1; APA).
Indications (Pansy) — Acne (1; APA; HH2; PHR; PH2); Arrhythmia (f; FAD); Asthma (f; FAD);
Atherosclerosis (f; HH2); Boil (f; DEM); Bronchosis (f; PNC); Cancer (f; JLH); Carcinoma (f;
JLH); Cardiopathy (f; FAD); Catarrh (1; FEL; HH2; PHR; PH2); Childbirth (f; HH2); Cold (f;
HH2; PHR; PH2); Conjunctivosis (f; MIC); Constipation (f; FAD; PHR; PH2; WOI); Cough (f;
DEM); Cradle Cap (1; PH2; WAM); Dandruff (1; APA); Dermatosis (2; APA; KAB; PH2; PHR;
WAM); Dysentery (f; KAB; WOI); Eczema (1; FAD; HH2; PHR); Endothelioma (f; JLH); Enterosis
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