TRA); Contraceptive (1; TRA); Digestive (1; APA; PNC; WAM); Diuretic (1; KOM; TRA; WBB);
Embryotoxic (1; PH2); Emmenagogue (f; JFM; PH2; WBB); Fibrinolytic (1; PH2); Fungicide (1;
AAB; APA; HHB; TRA); Hypotensive (1; TRA); Immunostimulant (f; APA); Laxative (f; AAB;
HHB; JFM; WBB); Myorelaxant (f; 60P); Pectoral (f; JFM); Proteolytic (1; 60P; APA; TRA WBB);
Sedative (f; KOM); Taenicide (f; WBB); Teratogenic (1; PH2); Tranquilizer (1; TRA); Uterorelaxant
(1; TRA); Vermifuge (1; APA; KOM; PH2; TRA; VAG; WBB; 60P); Vulnerary (1; AAB; PNC).
Indications (Papaya) — Abscess (f; KOM); Adenopathy (f; JLH; KOM); Adnexosis (f; KOM);
Aging (f; KOM); Ameba (1; TRA); Anorexia (f; KOM); Anthrax (f; WBB); Ascaris (1; AAB;
WBB); Asthma (f; HHB; JFM; WBB); Atherosclerosis (f; KOM); Bacteria (1; AAB; APA; TRA);
Boil (f; WBB); Bronchosis (f; JFM; KOM; PH2); Burn (f; KOM; WBB); Callus (f; JFM); Cancer
(1; JLH; TRA; 60P); Cancer, uterus (f; CRC); Candida (1; AAB; APA; TRA); Cardiopathy (f;
KOM); Cholecystosis (f; KOM); Circulosis (f; KOM); Cold (f; JFM); Conjunctivosis (f; PNC);
Constipation (f; AAB; HHB; JFM; KOM; WBB); Convulsion (1; TRA; 60P); Corn (f; AAB; JLH);
Cough (f; JFM; PH2); Cramp (1; TRA); Cystosis (f; WBB); Dehydration (f; VAG); Depression (f;
KOM); Dermatosis (f; JFM; WBB); Diarrhea (f; JFM); Discosis (1; JAD); Duodenosis (f; PH2);
Dyscrasia (f; KOM); Dysentery (f; WBB); Dyspepsia (1; KOM; PH2; PNC; WAM); Dysuria (f;
JFM); Earache (f; WBB); Edema (1; KOM; PH2); Enterosis (f; JFM; PHR; PH2; WBB); Fever (f;
HHB; JFM; WBB); Fistula (f; KOM); Flu (f; KOM); Fontanelle (f; ZIM); Freckle (f; APA; JFM);
Fungus (1; AAB; APA; HHB; TRA); Furuncle (f; TRA); Gas (f; KOM); Gastrosis (f; PHR; PH2);
Gonorrhea (1; TRA; VAG; WBB); Heartburn (1; FNF; TGF); Hematoma (f; KOM); Hemorrhoid
(f; KOM; PH2; WBB); Hepatosis (f; AAB; JFM; KOM); High Blood Pressure (1; JFM; TRA;
WBB); Hodgkin’s Disease (f; KOM); Immunodepression (f; APA); Infection (1; AAB APA; HHB;
KOM; PHR; TRA); Infertility (1; APA); Inflammation (1; APA; JFM; KOM; PHR; PH2; TRA);
Insomnia (f; KOM); Jaundice (f; WBB); Leukemia (f; KOM); Lymphoma (f; KOM); Malaria (f;
JFM); Metastasis (f; KOM); Mycosis (1; AAB; APA; HHB; TRA); Nausea (1; WAM); Nephrosis
(f; HHB; WBB); Nervousness (1; KOM; TRA); Neurasthenia (f; KOM); Neurosis (f; KOM); Pain
(1; CRC; PH2; TRA); Pancreatosis (f; PHR; PH2); Parasite (1; 60P; PHR; PH2; WAM); Pharyngosis
(f; KOM); Phlebitis (f; KOM); Proctosis (f; KOM); Psoriasis (f; APA); Respirosis (f; KOM; WBB);
Rheumatism (f; KOM; WBB); Ringworm (1; APA; JFM); Roemeld Syndrome (f; KOM); Sclerosis
(f; JLH); Shigella (1; AAB); Sore Throat (f; JFM; KOM); Splenomegaly (f; JFM; WBB); Splenosis
(f; JFM); Staphylococcus (1; AAB); Stomatosis (f; KOM); Stone (f; PH2); Swelling (1; KOM;
PH2); Syphilis (f; HHB; WBB); Tapeworm (f; WBB); Thirst (f; CRC); Thrombosis (f; KOM);
Tuberculosis (1; TRA); Tumor (1; JLH; KOM; TRA; 60P); Ulcer (1; APA; PHR; PH2); Urethrosis
(f; KOM; TRA); UTI (f; PH2); Vaginosis (f; APA); Varicosis (f; KOM); VD (f; AAB; JFM; WBB);
Wart (f; AAB; JFM; WBB); Water Retention (f; JFM); Worm (1; APA; KOM; PH2; PNC; TRA;
VAG; WBB; 60P); Wound (1; KOM; TRA; WBB); Yaws (f; WBB); Yeast (1; AAB; APA; TRA).
Commission E, listing more than a dozen folkloric indications, on p. 361, does not even recommend
papain, because of insufficient proof of efficacy (KOM).
Dosages (Papaya) — 1–2 tsp dry leaf/cup water (APA); 1–3 tsp fruit juice (APA); 1–2 tbsp
fresh fruit (PED); 1.5–3 g dry fruit (PED); 2.5–5 ml elixir of papaya (PNC); 2.5–5 ml glycerin
of papain (PNC); 10–50 mg papain (APA); “Papain may be effective in high doses (daily dose
= 1500 mg”) (KOM).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Papaya) — Class 1 (AHP). None known
(WAM). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Admitting
no risks for the leaf, Commission E disallows for lack of proof of efficacy (KOM). May interact
with warfarin (PH2). There are reports of perforated esophagus following over ingestion of fruits
(APA). Papain can cause severe stomach inflammation if taken internally, dermatosis externally.
Allergic reactions including asthma possible (PH2). Not to be used during pregnancy (PH2). See
accounts for papain in FNF and KOM. Papaya seeds can reverse sterility without affecting libido