Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


Carminative (f; DAV); Deobstruent (f; SKJ); Depurative (f; JFM); Digestive (f; DAV); Diuretic (1;
HHB; JFM; KAB; SKJ; WOI); DNA-Polymerase-Inhibitor (f; SKY); Emmenagogue (f; DAV);
Fungicide (1; ZUL); Hepatoprotective (1; DAV; KAB; KEB; TRA); HIV-RT- Inhibitor (1; KEB);
Hypoglycemic (1; DAV; KAB; KEB; MPI; TRA); Lactagogue (f; KAP; WOI); Laxative (f; DAV;
KAB); Piscicide (1; WOI); Protein-Kinase-Inhibitor (1; HH2); Protisticide (1; ZUL); Sedative (f;
60P); Snakebite (f; HH2); Stomachic (f; SKJ); Tonic (f; DAV; KAB); Vermifuge (1; DAV; ZUL).

Indications (Phyllanthus) — Acne (f; JFM); Alcoholism (1; KEB); Ameba (1; ZUL); Amenorrhea
(f; 60P); Anorexia (f; DAV); Ascites (f; PH2); Bacteria (1; HH2; TRA; WOI; ZUL); Biliousness
(f; JFM); Blackhead (f; JFM); Blennorrhagia (f; DAV); Calculus (f; JFM); Cancer (1; JLH; KAB;
MPI); Cancer, abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, colon (f; JLH); Colic (f; DAV; JFM; PH2; WOI);
Conjunctivosis (f; HH3); Constipation (f; DAV; KAB; KAP; PH2); Cramp (1; DAV; KAB; MPI;
PH2; TRA); Debility (f; HH3); Dermatosis (f; JFM; KAP); Diabetes (f; DAV; JFM; KAB; KEB;
MPI; PH2); Diarrhea (f; PH2; WOI); Dropsy (f; DAV; MPI; SKJ); Dysentery (f; DAV; MPI; PH2;
SKJ); Dyspepsia (f; MPI; WOI); Dysuria (f; JFM; KAP); Edema (f; JFM; KAP; MPI; SKJ);
Enterosis (f; JFM; JLH); Escherichia (1; HH3); Fever (1; DAV; HHB; KAB; MPI; PH2; SKJ;
TRA); Flu (f; DAV); Fungus (1; MPI; ZUL); Gallstone (f; HH3); Gastrosis (f; HHB; JFM; PH2);
Gonorrhea (f; HH3; MPI; SKJ); Gout (f; JFM); Gravel (f; JFM; 60P); Hepatosis (2; KEB; MPI;
SKY); Herpes (1; HH3); High Cholesterol (1; 60P); HIV (1; ABS); Hyperglycemia (1; DAV; KAB;
KEB; MPI; TRA); Hyperuricemia (f; JFM); Infection (1; MPI; PH2; ZUL); Infertility (f; PH2);
Insomnia (f; 60P); Itch (f; DAV; KAP); Jaundice (2; DEP; HHB; HH3; KEB; MPI; SKY); Leukemia
(1; KAB; MPI); Malaria (f; DAV; DEP; KAB; HH3; PH2); Menorrhagia (f; KAP; MPI); Mycosis
(1; MPI; ZUL); Nephrosis (f; DAV; JFM); Nervousness (f; 60P); Ophthalmia (f; KAP; MPI; PH2;
WOI); Ovary (f; JFM); Pain (f; DAV); Parasite (1; ZUL); Prostatosis (f; DAV); Prolapse (f; JFM);
Pulmonosis (f; 60P); Ringworm (1; ZUL); Scabies (1; DEP; KAB; PH2; ZUL); Snakebite (f; HH3);
Sore (f; DEP; MPI; PH2; WOI); Staphylococcus (1; HH3; 60P); Stomachache (f; DAV); Stone (f;
HH3); Swelling (f; KAB; MPI; SKJ); Tachycardia (f; PH2); Tenesmus (f; DAV); Tumor (f; JLH);
Ulcer (f; JFM; SKJ; 60P); Urogenitosis (f; DEP; KAB; MPI; PH2); UTI (f; SKJ); Vaginosis (f;
DAV); VD (f; KAB; HH3); Virus (1; HH3; KAB; KEB; PH2; SKY; TRA); Womb (f; JFM); Worm
(1; DAV; ZUL); Wound (f; PH2).

Dosages (Phyllanthus) — 900–2700 mg plant powder/day/3 months (SKY); 10 plants/liter water
(PH2); 3–6 g powdered herb (KAP); 14–28 ml tea (KAP); 2–6 ml extract (1:2) (KEB).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Phyllanthus) — Not covered (AHP; KOM;
PNC). “Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). None reported

Extracts (Phyllanthus) — Alcoholic extracts bactericidal to Escherichia coli and Micrococcus
pyogenes (WOI). Lignans are hepatoprotective in vitro (KEB). Aqueous extracts (with repandusinic
acid A) inhibit HIV-RT in vitro. Aqueous extracts are comparable to tolbutamide as oral hypogly-
cemic (ZUL). LD50 dry aqueous whole plant extract 3300 mg/kg ipr mouse (HH3).

PICRORHIZA (Picrorhiza kurrooa Royle ex Benth.) +

Activities (Picrorhiza) — Analgesic (1; KEB); Antiaging (f; PM8:125); Antiaggregant (1; APA;
KEB); Antiallergic (1; KEB); Antiasthmatic (1; APA; HH3; PH2); Antibacterial (f; PH2); Antihis-
taminic (1; HH3); Antiinflammatory (1; APA; KEB; PH2; PM8:125); Antileishmanic (1; KEB);
Antioxidant (1; KEB; PM8:125); Antiperiodic (f; WOI); Antipyretic (f; KAB); Antiradicular (1;
KEB); Antiseptic (f; PH2); Antistress (f; PM8:125); Antithromboxane (1; KEB); Antitumor (1;
APA); Antiviral (2; APA; HH3); Bitter (1; DEP; KEB; SUW); Bronchospasmolytic (1; PH2);
Cardiotonic (f; KAB); Cerebrotonic (f; KAB; PM8:125); Cholagogue (f; KAP; WOI); Choleretic
(1; APA; HH3; KEB; PH2); Emetic (f; PH2); Emmenagogue (f; KAB); Expectorant (f; KAB);

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