EFS); Soporific (f; EFS); Tonic (f; EFS); Toxic (1; EFS; PH2); Tranquilizer (f; PH2); Vermifuge
(1; CRC; DEM; FEL; PH2).
Indications (Pinkroot) — Convulsion (f; CRC); Cough (f; HAD; TOM); Endocardosis (f; FEL);
Fever (f; CRC; GMH; HH2; PH2); Fit (f; CRC); Hydrocephaly (f; FEL; GMH); Insomnia (f; EFS);
Malaria (f; CRC; HH2; PH2); Mania (f; CRC); Nervousness (f; EFS; PH2); Strabismus (f; CRC);
Stress (f; PH2); Worm (1; CRC; DEM; FAD; FEL; HAD; PH2; TOM).
Dosages (Pinkroot) — Don’t take it (JAD). Adults 2–5 g (children over 4 years old, 0.5–4 g),
morning and evening, with strong purgative like senna (AHP); 1–2 drachms dry root (GMH).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pinkroot) — Class 2d. Not for long-term
use. Do not exceed recommended dose (AHP). Has been used for poisoning humans, the toxic
effects similar to those of strychnine. Effects of spigeline are rather like those of coniine, lobeline,
and nicotine. “Even proper doses may lead to disturbed vision (dimness), dizziness, muscular
spasms, twitching eyelids, dilated pupils, facial spasms, and increased heart activity. In large
doses, circulation and respiration are depressed and muscular power diminished; there have been
fatalities in children” (CRC; HH2). Side effects include increased heart action, vertigo, convul-
sions, and possibly death (FAD). Toxic, may paralyze the spinal marrow causing death by
asphyxiation (PH2).
PIPSISSEWA (Chimaphila spp.) ++
Activities (Pipsissewa) — Alterative (f; PNC); Analgesic (f; DEM); Antiaggregant (1; FAD);
Antibacterial (1; FAD); Antiseptic (1; FAD; PH2); Astringent (f; CEB; FAD); Candidicide (1;
FAD); Collyrium (f; DEM); Depurative (f; DEM); Diaphoretic (f; CEB; DEM); Diuretic (1; CEB;
FAD); Expectorant (f; DEM); Orexigenic (f; DEM); Rubefacient (f; CEB); Stimulant (f; CEB);
Tonic (1; FAD); Urinary Antiseptic (1; FAD; PH2; PNC).
Indications (Pipsissewa) — Adenopathy (f; PH2); Ague (f; CEB; DEM); Alzheimer’s (1; COX;
FAD); Angina (f; DEM); Anorexia (f; DEM); Arthrosis (1; COX; FAD; PNC); Backache (f;