VVG; WBB); Antifertility (1; MPI); Antiherpetic (1; X8679095); Antioxidant (1; X10799367); Anti-
pyretic (1; BIB; HH2; SUW; VVG); Antiseptic (1; VVG; WBB); Antitubercular (1; WOI); Antiviral
(1; VVG; WOI); Aphrodisiac (f; BIB); Astringent (2; BIB; PH2; SUW; WBB); Cardiotonic (f; BIB;
SUW; WOI); CNS-Stimulant (1; PHR); Collyrium (f; GHA); Cytotoxic (1; HH2); Diuretic (1; VVG);
Emmenagogue (f; WBB); Fungicide (1; MPI; WOI); Hemolytic (1; WOI); Hemostat (1; BIB; GHA);
Hypocholesterolemic (2; JNU); Hypoglycemic (1; HH2; VVG; X10837992); Lipogenic (f; KAB);
Molluscicide (1; X11050667); Nematicide (f; PH2); Orexigenic (f; KAB); Parasiticide (f; BIB); Stim-
ulant (f; BIB); Stomachic (1; DEP; MPI; SUW; WOI); Taenicide (1; BIB; HH2; KAP; PH2; SUW);
Uterotonic (1; HH2; MPI); Vermifuge (1; BIB; HH2; KAP; PH2; SUW; VVG; WBB).
Indications (Pomegranate) — Acne (f; BIB); Ameba (1; HH2; PH2; X2131771); Amygdalosis (f;
BIB); Anorexia (f; KAB); Asthma (f; BIB); Atherosclerosis (1; JNU; X10799367); Bacteria (1; BIB;
VVG; WBB); Biliousness (f; BIB; KAB); Bleeding (1; BIB; DEP; FNF; GHA); Bronchosis (1; BIB;
KAB; KAP; MPI; WOI); Burn (f; GHA); Cancer (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, abdomen (1; FNF; JLH);
Cancer, anus (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, ear (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, genital (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, gum
(1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, mouth (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, neck (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, stomach (1; FNF;
JLH); Cancer, throat (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, uterus (1; FNF; JLH); Cancer, uvula (1; FNF; JLH);
Cardiopathy (1; BIB; KAB; WOI); Childbirth (f; JFM); Cholera (1; MPI; X8018898); Colic (f; BIB;
KAB); Colitis (1; KAB; WBB); Condyloma (f; JLH); Conjunctivosis (f; BIB; KAP; MPI); Corn (f;
JLH); Cough (f; BIB); Dermatosis (f; GHA); Diabetes (1; VVG; X10837992); Diarrhea (1; BIB;
HH2; KAP; PHR; PH2; SUW; VVG); Dysentery (1; BIB; DEP; HH2; KAP; PHR; PH2; SUW; VVG);
Dysmenorrhea (f; BIB); Dyspepsia (1; DEP; KAB; MPI; WOI); Earache (f; BIB); Encephalosis (f;
BIB; KAB); Endometriosis (f; MAD); Enterosis (f; KAB; PH2); Epistaxis (1; BIB; DEP); Fever (1;
BIB; HH2; SUW; VVG); Fungus (1; KAP; MPI; WOI); Gall (f; JLH); Gastrosis (f; JLH; MPI; PH2);
Gingivosis (f; JLH; KAB); Gonorrhea (f; WBB); Heartburn (f; MPI); Hemophilia (f; DEP); Hematuria
(f; KAP; MPI); Hemoptysis (f; MPI); Hemorrhoid (1; BIB; JLH; KAP; PHR); Hepatosis (f; GHA;
KAB); Herpes (1; X8679095); High Cholesterol (2; JNU); Hyperglycemia (1; HH2; VVG;
X10837992); Infection (1; MPI; WOI); Infertility (f; JNU); Inflammation (f; BIB; WBB); Jaundice
(f; GHA); Keratosis (f; BIB); Leukorrhea (f; BIB; KAB; KAP; WBB); Malaria (f; BIB); Mastosis
(f; BIB); Melanoma (1; HH2); Menorrhagia (1; BIB); Metrorrhagia (1; BIB); Mycosis (1; MPI; WOI);
Nausea (1; BIB); Nephrosis (f; KAB); Neurosis (f; MAD); Night Sweats (f; BIB); Ophthalmia (f;
BIB; KAB); Oxyuriasis (f; BIB); Pain (f; BIB; JFM); Paralysis (f; BIB); Parasite (f; BIB); Pneumonia
(1; MPI); Proctosis (f; JLH; KAP); Prolapse (f; BIB; KAP); Pterygia (f; JLH); Pulmonosis (f; JFM;
KAB); Rhinosis (f; JLH); Ringworm (1; PH2); Salmonella (1; MPI); Scabies (f; BIB; KAB); Shigella
(1; MPI); Snakebite (f; BIB); Sore (f; GHA; JFM; WBB); Sore Throat (1; BIB; DEP; PHR; PH2);
Splenosis (f; BIB; KAB); Stomachache (1; KAB; WBB; VVG); Stomatosis (1; BIB; JFM; KAB);
Tapeworm (1; BIB; HH2; KAP; PHR; PH2; SUW; VVG); Urogenitosis (f; BIB); Uterosis (f; DEP;
JLH; KAP); Uvulosis (f; JLH); Virus (1; VVG; WOI); Vomiting (f; KAB; PH2); Wart (f; JLH); Water
Retention (1; VVG); Whitlow (f; JLH); Worm (1; BIB; HH2; KAP; PH2; SUW; VVG; WBB).
Dosages (Pomegranate) — Fruits are food farmacy (JAD); 4–8 g powdered fruit (KAP); 5–20 g
bark as taenifuge (MAD); 1–2 g bark daily (HHB); 5–12 g bark (root bark or stem bark) in 240 cc
water boiled until^1 / 3 gone, take in 3 hourly doses on empty stomach 2 hours after taking 40 cc castor
oil (JFM); 250 parts powdered bark in 1500 parts water and boiled for 30 minutes (PH2); 4–5 g
powdered flower (KAP); 7 g flower/300 cc water for inflamed mouth and throat (JFM); 1–3 g powdered
root (KAP); 1–3 g powdered seed bark (KAP); 1 part pericarp, root, or stembark:5 parts water (PHR).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Pomegranate) — Bark class 3. Pericarp class
2d. Contraindicated with diarrhea; not to be taken with fats or oils when taken to kill parasites (AHP).
“Health hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Strong doses emetic, nauseant,
and vertigogenic (JFM). Stronger doses (>80 g) may cause chills, collapse, dizziness, hematemesis,
and visual disturbances, possibly even amaurosis and death (MAD; PH2). Even Mauritians believe
the bark should be contraindicated in geriatrics, pediatrics, and pregnancy.