Dosages (Purple Loosestrife) — 30–60 grains powder (FEL); 2–4 g in tea (HHB); 3 g herb/100
ml tea 2–3 ×/day (PH2); 20 g herb to 100 ml 20% ethanol, steep 5 days, take 2–3 tsp/day (PH2);
0.5 g liquid extract (children), 3–5 g (adult) (MAD); 1–3 oz decoction (FEL).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Purple Loosestrife) — Not covered (AHP).
“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2).
PURPLE TEPHROSIA (Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers.) +
Activities (Purple Tephrosia) — Alexeteric (f; KAB); Alterative (f; KAB; KAP); Antipyretic (f;
KAB; KAP); Bitter (f; KAB; KAP); Cholagogue (f; KAP); Deobstruent (f; KAP); Depurative (f;
KAB); Diaphoretic (f; KAP); Diuretic (f; KAB; KAP); Insecticide (f; WOI); Laxative (f; KAB);
Piscicide (f; KAB); Tonic (f; KAB); Vermifuge (f; KAB; WOI).
Indications (Purple Tephrosia) — Acne (f; KAB; SKJ); Ascites (f; WOI); Asthma (f; KAB; WOI);
Biliousness (f; WOI); Bleeding (f; WOI); Boil (f; KAB); Bright’s Disease (f; WOI); Bronchosis
(f; KAB); Cancer (f; KAB); Cardiopathy (f; KAB); Caries (f; KAB); Colic (f; KAB); Constipation
(f; KAB); Cough (f; KAB; WOI); Dermatosis (f; KAP); Diarrhea (f; KAB; WOI); Dropsy (f; WOI);
Dyspepsia (f; KAB; WOI); Dysuria (f; WOI); Eczema (f; KAP; WOI); Elephantiasis (f; WOI);
Enterosis (f; KAB); Fever (f; KAB; KAP); Gas (f; KAB); Gonorrhea (f; KAB); Hemorrhoid (f;
KAB); Hepatosis (1; KAB; WOI); Impotence (f; SKJ); Inflammation (f; KAB; WOI); Itch (f; WOI);
Jaundice (f; WOI); Leprosy (f; KAB; WOI); Nephrosis (f; KAB); Pain (f; WOI); Pulmonosis (f;
KAB); Rheumatism (f; WOI); Scabies (f; WOI); Snakebite (f; KAB; SKJ); Sore (f; KAB); Splenosis
(f; KAB); Syphilis (f; KAB); Thirst (f; KAB); Urogenitosis (f; WOI); VD (f; KAB); Worm (f;
KAB; WOI); Wound (f; KAB).
Dosages (Purple Tephrosia) — 3–6 g powdered herb (KAP); 12–20 ml infusion (KAP).
PURSLANE (Portulaca oleracea L.) +++
Activities (Purslane) — Alterative (f; DAV); Antipyretic (f; AAB); Aperient (f; DAV); Antibacterial
(1; AAB; WOI); Antioxidant (1; AAB); Antiscorbutic (1; DAV JFM); Antiseptic (1; AAB; FAD;
60P); Antiviral (f; DAV); Astringent (1; DAV); Cardiotonic (f; JFM); Demulcent (f; DAV); Depu-
rative (f; AAB); Diuretic (1; AAB; DAV; FAD); Emmenagogue (f; JFM); Emollient (f; DAV);
Fungicide (f; DAV); Hemostat (1; FAD); Hepatoprotective (f; 60P); Hyperglycemic (1; 60P);
Hypoglycemic (1; AAB; WOI); Hypotensive (1; FAD); Laxative (f; JFM); Myorelaxant (1; AAB;
60P); Sedative (f; DAV); Tonic (f; WBB); Uterocontractant (1; 60P); Uterotonic (1; AAB); Vermi-
fuge (f; DAV).
Indications (Purslane) — Abscess (f; FAD); Anaphylaxis (1; FNF; HAD); Anthrax (f; DAV);
Bacteria (1; AAB; WOI); Bite (f; DAV); Bleeding (1; AAB; FAD); Blennorrhagia (f; DAV); Boil
(f; DAV); Bruise (f; JFM); Burn (f; FAD; WOI); Cancer, eye (1; JLH); Cancer, testicle (1; JLH);
Cancer, uterus (1; JLH); Cardiopathy (1; AAB; FNF; HAD); Cold (f; DAV); Colic (f; DAV);
Conjunctivosis (f; JFM); Constipation (f; JFM); Corn (f; JLH); Cough (f; AAB); Cystosis (f;
JFM); Dermatosis (f; DAV); Diabetes (1; AAB; WOI); Diarrhea (f; DAV); Dysentery (f; DAV;
WOI; 60P); Dysuria (f; FAD; WOI); Earache (f; FAD; WOI); Eczema (f; DAV; FAD); Edema
(f; DAV; JFM); Erysipelas (f; DAV; WOI); Fever (f; AAB; 60P); Fungus (f; DAV); Gastrosis (f;
60P); Headache (f; AAB; FAD); Hematuria (f; WOI); Hemoptysis (f; WBB); Hemorrhoid (f;
DAV); Hepatosis (f; JFM; WOI); Herpes (f; DAV); High Blood Pressure (1; FAD); Infection (1;
AAB; DAV); Insomnia (f; DAV); Hyperglycemia (1; AAB; DAV; WOI); Hypoglycemia (1; 60P);
Hypotension (f; DAV); Inflammation (f; FAD; JLH); Itch (f; FAD); Leukorrhea (f; DAV); Low
Blood Pressure (1; 60P); Mastosis (f; WOI); Mycosis (f; DAV); Nausea (f; DAV); Nephrosis (f;