Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


(Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz) +

Activities (Rauwolfia) — Antiandrogenic (1; CRC); Antiarrhythmic (1; CRC; PHR; PH2); Anti-
bacterial (1; CRC); Antidote, opiate (1; CRC); Antifertility (1; CRC); Antipyretic (1; KAP; WHO);
Bitter (f; DEP; KAP); Carcinogenic (1; CRC; WHO); Cardiodepressant (1; KAP); Cardiotonic (f;
WHO); CNS Depressant (1; CRC; KAP); Expectorant (1; HHB); Hypnotic (1; KAP; SUW);
Hypotensive (2; KAP; KOM; PH2; SUW; WHO); Hypothyroid (1; HH2); Lactagogue (1; FNF);
MDR Inhibitor (1; ABS; FNF; PR14:139); Narcotic (1; CRC); Peristaltic (1; WOI); Respiradepres-
sant (1; KAP); Sedative (2; CRC; KOM; PH2; SUW; WHO); Sympathicolytic (1; PHR; PH2);
Teratogenic (1; CRC); Tonic (f; KAP); Tranquilizer (1; KAP; WHO); Uterocontractant (1; HH2;
KAB; PH2; SUW); Vermifuge (f; CRC; KAB).

Indications (Rauwolfia) — Addiction (f; CRC); Anxiety (2; HH2; KOM; PH2); Arrhythmia (1;
CRC; PHR; PH2); Asthenia (f; WHO); Bacteria (1; CRC); Bite (f; PH2; WHO); Childbirth (f;
DEP; KAP; PH2; SKJ; SUW); Cholera (f; CRC; DEP; KAB); Colic (f; HHB; KAB; PH2);
Constipation (f; PHR; WHO); Corneal Opacity (f; DEP; KAB; SKJ; SUW); Cramp (f; HH2);
Debility (f; PHR); Dermatosis (f; HHB); Diarrhea (f; DEP; PHR); Dropsy (f; PHR); Dysentery
(f; DEP; KAP); Dyslactea (1; TGF); Dysuria (f; PH2); Eclampsia (f; HH2; PH2); Enterosis (f;
CRC; KAB; KAP; PHR; SUW); Epilepsy (f; HH2; SKJ); Fever (1; DEP; KAP; PHR; PH2;
WHO); Gas (f; PH2; WHO); Gastrosis (f; CRC; SKJ); Headache (1; CRC); Hepatosis (f; PHR;
PH2; WHO); High Blood Pressure (2; CRC; KAP; KOM; PH2; SUW; WHO); Hyperthyroid (1;
HH2); Hypertony (1; PHR; PH2); Hypochondria (1; CRC); Hysteria (f; HH2); Insanity (1; CRC;
HH2; KAP; SKJ; SUW); Insomnia (2; CRC; KAP; KOM; PHR; PH2; SUW; WHO; WOI);
Mental Problem (1; CRC; PHR); Migraine (f; CRC); Nausea (f; PH2); Nervousness (2; CRC;
KAP; KOM; PHR; PH2; SUW; WHO); Ophthalmia (f; DEP; SKJ; SUW); Pain (f; DEP; KAB;
SUW); Parasite (1; HH2); Parturition (f; SKJ); Rheumatism (f; HH2; PHR; WHO); Satyrism (1;
CRC); Schizophrenia (1; CRC); Sinus Tachycardia (2; KOM); Snakebite (f; CRC; HHB; PHR;
WOI); Somnambulism (f; HH2); Sore (f; KAB); Staphylococcus (1; ABS); Sting (f; CRC);
Swelling (f; HHB); Tension (1; PH2); Ulcer (f; CRC); Vomiting (f; PH2; SKJ); Worm (f; CRC;
HH2; KAB; SKJ); Wound (f; PH2).

Dosages (Rauwolfia) — 1–3 g powdered root for insanity (KAP); 20–30 g powdered root for high
blood pressure (KAP); 200 mg root/day for 1–3 weeks (WHO); 600 mg drug or 6 mg alkaloids
(KOM; HH2; PH2).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Rauwolfia) — Not covered (AHP). “Health
hazards not known with proper therapeutic dosages” (PH2). Commission E reports for root,
contraindications, adverse effects, and interactions of the toxic alkaloid reserpine (AEH). Contrain-
dications: depression, lactation, pheochromocytoma, pregnancy, and ulcer (KOM; PH2). Side
effects, often with minimum therapeutic dose (WOI), include depression, dizziness, drowsiness,
dyspnea, erectile dysfunction, lethargy, rash, and reactive changes (dangerous while driving),
reduced sexual potency, and stuffy nose (KOM; PH2; WOI). Drug interactions: appetite suppres-
sants, barbiturates, digitalis glycosides, levodopa, neuroleptics, and sympathomimetics (KOM).

Extracts (Rauwolfia) — With normotensive cats, the alkaloid mix (as hydrochloride) at 2 mg/kg
ivn lowered pressure 20 mm Hg, 1 mg/kg serpentine lowered it 30 mm, 2 mg/kg ajmaline lowered
16 mm, 2 mg/kg serpentinine 10 mm Hg. With experimentally hypertensive cats (155–165 mm
Hg), the alkaloid mix (as hydrochloride) lowered pressure 70–76 mm Hg; ajmaline 40, serpentine
80, serpentinine 26–35 mm Hg (HH2). Reserpine, by its dopamine-depleting effect, may raise
prolactin levels. Galactorrhea is one side effect of reserpine. Reserpine given orally to rabbits
increased mammary gland secretions. Hypothalmic dopamine inhibits prolactin. Conversely
estrogens promote prolactin production (in males and females). Galactorrhea is a side effect of

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