REDROOT (Lachnanthes tinctoria (J. F. Gmel.) Elliott) +
I here include L. caroliniana (DEM).
Activities (Redroot) — Astringent (f; DEM); Cardiotonic (f; CRC; EFS); Cerebrotonic (f; CRC;
EFS); Exhilarant (f; CRC); Hallucinogen (1; CRC); Hypnotic (f; CRC; EFS); Intoxicant (f; CRC);
Narcotic (1; CRC); Poison (f; CRC); Stimulant (f; EFS); Tonic (f; DEM).
Indications (Redroot) — Bleeding (f; DEM); Cancer (f; DEM); Cerebrosis (f; CRC); Cough (f;
CRC); Enterosis (f; DEM); Fever (f; CRC); Hemoptysis (f; DEM); Hemorrhoid (f; DEM); Laryn-
gosis (f; CRC); Neck (f; CRC); Pneumonia (f; CRC); Rheumatism (f; CRC); Sore (f; DEM);
Stomatosis (f; DEM); Typhoid (f; CRC); Typhus (f; CRC); VD (f; DEM).
Dosages (Redroot) — Not covered (AHP; KOM; PHR).
RED ROOT SAGE (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) +++
Activities (Red Root Sage) — Alterative (f; FAY); Antiaging (f; AKT); Antiaggregant (1; APA; LAF);
Antiandrogenic (1; LAF); Antiallergic (1; ABS; FNF); Antianginal (1; APA); Antiarthritic (f; FAY);
Antibacterial (1; HH2; LAF); Anticarcinomic (1; KEB); Antihypoxic (1; KEB); Antiinflammatory (1;
AKT; LAF); Antimutagenic (1; LAF); Antioxidant (1; LAF); Antipyretic (1; HH2); Antiseptic (1; HH2);
Antispasmodic (f; FAY; LMP); Antithrombic (2; KEB); Astringent (1; FAY); Bitter (f; AKT; LMP);
Calcium Antagonist (1; KEB); Cardioprotective (1; ABS; FNF); Cardiotonic (1; LAF); Circulotonic (f;
AKT; FAY); Fibrinolytic (2; KEB); Fungicide (1; FAY); Hepatoregenerative (1; APA); Hepatoprotective
(1; HH2); Hypocholesterolemic (1; LAF); Hypotensive (2; APA; KEB); Lipolytic (f; KEB); Negative
Inotropic (1; HH2); Nephroprotective (1; KEB); Sedative (1; APA; FAY; LMP); Swelling (f; HH2);
Tonic (f; FAY); Tranquilizer (f; FAY); Vasodilator (2; FAY; HH2; KEB); Vulnerary (f; FAY; LMP).
Indications (Red Root Sage) — Acne (2; KEB; LAF); Alcoholism (1; AKT); Allergy (1; ABS;
FNF); Alopecia (f; AKT; LAF); Altitude Sickness (1; DAA; KEB); Amenorrhea (f; DAA; LAF;
HH2); Anemia (f; FAY); Angina (2; APA; FAY; HH2; LAF); Arthrosis (f; FAY); Bacteria (1; FAY;
FAY; HH2; LAF); Backache (f; FAY); Bleeding (f; DAA); Buerger’s Disease (2; KEB); Cancer (1;
DAA; JLH; LAF); Carbuncle (f; HH2); Carcinoma (1; KEB); Cardiopathy (2; ABS; AKT; APA;
FAY; FNF; HH2); Childbirth (f; LMP); Cough (f; HH2); Cramp (1; APA; FAY; LMP); Cystosis (f;
DAA; LMP); Dementia (1; AKT); Dermatosis (1; LAF); Diabetes (f; HH2); Dysmenorrhea (f;
APA; DAA; LAF); Eczema (1; LAF); Embolism (f; DAA); Enterosis (1; APA; DAA; LAF; LMP);
Fever (1; HH2); Fibrosis (2; AKT; KEB); Fracture (1; KEB); Fungus (1; FAY); Furuncle (f; DAA;
HH2); Gas (1; APA); Gastrosis (f; LMP); Glaucoma (1; AKT); Gray Hair (f; AKT; LAF); High
Cholesterol (1; LAF); Heart Attack (2; KEB); Hepatosis (2; APA; DAA; FAY; HH2; KEB; MAB);
High Blood Pressure (2; AKT; APA; DAA; KEB); High Cholesterol (1; LAF); Hives (f; DAA);
Hyperviscosity (2; KEB); Infection (1; DAA; FAY; HH2); Inflammation (1; AKT; LAF; LMP);
Insomnia (1; APA; FAY; HH2; LAF; LMP); Ischemia (2; AKT; KEB); Leukemia (f; DAA; JLH);
Leukorrhea (f; LAF); Lupus (1; APA); Lymphoma (1; KEB); Mastosis (f; DAA); Metrorrhagia (f;
DAA; LAF); Mycosis (1; FAY); Myocardiopathy (1; FAY; HH2); Nephrosis (f; DAA; LMP);
Nervousness (1; APA; FAY; HH2; LMP); Neurasthenia (f; DAA); Neuropathy (1; KEB); Osteosis
(f; LMP); Pain (f; DAA; LMP); Palpitation (f; DAA; KEB); Parturition (f; FAY); Psoriasis (1;
LAF); Restenosis (f; AKT); Scleroderma (2; KEB); Splenosis (f; HH2); Staphylococcus (1; DAA;
FAY; HH2); Stenosis (1; APA); Stroke (2; APA; KEB); Thrombosis (2; DAA; HH2; KEB); Tonsi-
losis (f; FAY); Tuberculosis (1; DAA; HH2); Ulcer (f; LMP); Uterrhagia (f; APA).
Dosages (Red Root Sage) — 3–5 g crude herb (AKT); 3–15 g root in tea (HH2); 6–15 g dry
root/day (APA); 5–15(-30) g root/day (FAY); extract of 60 g crude root/day 2–4 weeks to 9 months
(FAY); 2–6 g dry root/day or 4–12 ml fluid extract (1:2) (KEB).