Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


ROSY PERIWINKLE (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don) +

Synonyms: Ammocallis rosea (L.) Small, Lochnera rosea (L.) Rchb., Vinca rosea L.
Activities (Rosy Periwinkle) — Analgesic (1; ZUL); Antibacterial (1; ZUL); Anticancer (1; AAB;
ZUL); Antidiabetic (1; JFM; VVG; ZUL); Antileukemic (1; AAB); Antimitotic (1; ZUL); Anti-
pyretic (1; WBB; ZUL); Antiseptic (1; WBB; ZUL); CNS Depressant (1; WBB); Collyrium (f;
JFM); Depurative (f; ZUL); Digitalic (f; WBB); Diuretic (f; JFM); Emetic (f; ZUL); Fungicide (1;
ZUL); Hemostat (f; JFM; ZUL); Hypoglycemic (1; VVG); Hypotensive (1; WBB; ZUL); Laxative
(f; JFM; WBB); Leukopenic (1; ZUL); Myorelaxant (1; ZUL); Sedative (1; WBB); Teratogenic (1;
ZUL); Tranquilizer (1; WBB); Vermifuge (f; JFM; ZUL).
Indications (Rosy Periwinkle) — Asthma (f; JFM); Bacteria (1; ZUL); Bleeding (f; JFM; ZUL); Bug
Bite (f; ZUL); Cancer (1; AAB; VAG; ZUL); Cardiopathy (f; JFM); Catarrh (f; RYM); Chest Cold (f;
JFM); Cold (f; AAB); Constipation (f; JFM; WBB); Dermatosis (f; ZUL); Diabetes (1; JFM; VAG;
VVG; WBB; ZUL); Fever (1; WBB; ZUL); Fungus (1; ZUL); Gas (f; JFM); Gonorrhea (f; ZUL);
High Blood Pressure (1; AAB; JFM; WBB; ZUL); Hodgkin’s Disease (1; AAB; ZUL); Hyperglycemia
(1; VVG); Infection (1; ZUL); Insomnia (1; WBB); Laryngosis (f; JFM); Leukemia (1; AAB; ZUL);
Lymphoma (1; VAG; VVG); Malaria (1; WBB); Menopause (f; AAB); Menorrhagia (f; WBB; ZUL);
Mycosis (1; ZUL); Nervousness (1; WBB); Ophthalmia (f; RYM); Pain (1; ZUL); Rheumatism (f;
VVG; WBB; ZUL); Scurvy (f; ZUL); Sore Throat (f; AAB; JFM); Toothache (f; ZUL); Tuberculosis
(f; JFM); VD (f; ZUL); Wart (f; ZUL); Water Retention (f; JFM); Worm (f; JFM; ZUL).
Dosages (Rosy Periwinkle) — 10 leaves + 10 flowers boiled into tea (JFM); make solar tea of 9
pink flowers in 1 pint water 3 hours, sip all day for cold and sore throat (AAB).

ROUND CARDAMOM (Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton) ++

Synonym: A. kepulaga Sprague & Burkill.
Activities (Round Cardamom) — Antitoxic (f; DAD); Antiemetic (f; DAD); Carminative (f;
DAD); Stomachic (f; DAD).
Indications (Round Cardamom) — Ague (f; DAD); Cachexia (f; DAD); Cancer (f; DAD; JLH);
Cancer, liver (f; DAD; JLH); Cancer, uterus (f; DAD; JLH); Catarrh (f; DAD); Childbirth (f; DAD);
Cold (f; DAD); Cough (f; DAD); Cramp (f; DAD); Dyspepsia (f; DAD); Gas (f; DAD); Gout (f;
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