Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Dana P.) #1


SOUTHERN PRICKLY ASH (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L.) +

Activities (Southern Prickly Ash) — Analgesic (f; CAN; PNC); Antihelicobacter (1;
X9781854); Antiinflammatory (f; CAN; PNC); Antirheumatic (f; CAN; PNC); Antiseptic (1;
PNC); Antispasmodic (f; HHB); Antiulcer (1; X9781854); Carminative (f; CAN; HHB; PNC);
Circulostimulant (f; CAN; PNC); Diaphoretic (f; CAN; HHB; HH3; PNC); Diuretic (f; HHB);
Hypotensive (f; CAN); Larvicide (f; HH3); Sedative (f; CAN); Sialagogue (f; CAN); Stomachic
(f; HHB); Tonic (f; HHB).

Indications (Southern Prickly Ash) — Cramp (f; HHB); Diarrhea (f; PNC); Fever (f; CAN;
HHB; HH3; PNC); Helicobacter (1; X9781854); High Blood Pressure (f; CAN); Infection (f;
PNC); Inflammation (f; CAN; PNC); Insomnia (f; CAN); Intermittent Claudication (f; HH3);
Nervousness (f; CAN); Pain (f; PNC; CAN); Raynaud’s Syndrome (f; HH3); Rheumatism (f;
CAN; HH3; PNC); Swelling (f; DEM); Toothache (f; DEM; HHB; PNC); Ulcer (1; X9781854).

Dosages (Southern Prickly Ash) — 5 g bark/750 ml water up to 3 ×/day (APA); 1–3 g dry
bark, or in tea, 3 ×/day (CAN; HH3); 1–3 ml liquid bark extract (PNC); 1–3 ml liquid bark
extract (1:1 in 45% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 2–5 ml bark tincture (1:5 in 45% ethanol) 3 ×/day
(CAN); 0.5–1.5 g dry berries (CAN); 0.5–1.5 ml liquid berry extract (1:1 in 45% ethanol) (CAN);
0.5–1.5 ml liquid fruit extract (PNC).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Southern Prickly Ash) — Class 2b (AHP).
Reported to be toxic to animals (lethal to cattle, chicken, and fish). Because of pharmacologically
active alkaloids and coumarins, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided. May interfere
with anticoagulant therapy. Excessive use should be avoided (CAN).

Extracts (Southern Prickly Ash) — Bark extracts act as a reversible neuromuscular blocking agent.
A single hypotensive dose of nitidine chloride (2 mg/kg) lowered blood pressure 20% in mice within
90 minutes, persisting for 6 hours. Nitidine also antagonizes the hypertensive effects of angiotensin.
Nitidine is antileukemic. Chelerythrine, at 10 mg/kg (orl rat), was comparable in antiinflammatory
activity to indomethacin at 5 mg/kg. Chelerythrine also works against Candida and Gram-positive if
not Gram-negative bacteria. Chelerythrine potentiates the analgesia of morphine, prolongs barbiturate
sleep, and is hypotensive following an immediate hypertensive thrust (cats, mice, rats). Asirinin has
antitubercular activity; neoherculin is insecticidal, piscicidal, and sialagogue.

(Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC.) ++

Synonyms: Atractylis lancea Thunb., Atractylis ovata Thunb.

Perry treats all three of the species covered here as one from a medicinal point of view for some
indications: A. japonica, A. lancea (Thunb.) DC., and A. macrocephala Koidz. I entered those indi-
cations for all three. Perhaps they should be aggregated, perhaps not. HH3 treated all three separately,
but for reasons that escape me, PH2 left out A. macrocephala, perhaps the better known of the trio.

Activities (Southern Tsangshu) — Antianoxic (1; X2268908); Antibacterial (1; DAA; LAF);
Anticomplementary (1; HH3); Antidepressant (f; LAF); Antigastric (1; PH2); Antiinflammatory (1;
LAF; X9544564); Antioxidant (1; X8870957); Antipeptic (1; HH3); Antiseptic (1; DAA; LAF;
PH2); Antiulcer (1; HH3); Antiviral (1; HH3; LAF); Candidicide (1; DAA); Cyclo-oxygenase
Inhibitor (1; X9544564); Diuretic (f; LMP); Fungicide (1; DAA; LAF); Hepatoprotective (1; HH3;
PH2); Immunostimulant (1; HH3; PH2); Lipoxygenase Inhibitor (1; X9544564); Secretolytic (1;
PH2); Sedative (1; PH2); Splenotonic (f; LMP); Stimulant (f; LMP).

Indications (Southern Tsangshu) — Acne (f; LAF); Anorexia (f; LAF); Arthrosis (f; LAF);
Atrophy (f; PH2); Bacteria (1; DAA; LAF); Candida (1; DAA); Cold (f; LAF; PH2); Debility

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