Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Darren Dugan) #1
Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


Lagoon. The town was named after a crew
of American sealers who built a trading
schooner here in 1804. There’s no such in-
dustriousness here today, just a general
store and plenty of pelicans.
From the end of Scenic Dr, a coastal ̈
walk (2km one way) passes through natural
scrub, sugar gums and she-oak en route to
some old fish-cannery ruins.

4 ̈Sleeping ̈& ̈Eating

All ̈Seasons ̈Kangaroo ̈
Island ̈Lodge ̈ MOTEL$$
(%08-8553 7053,  1800  355  581;  www �kilodge�
com �au;  Lot  2,  Scenic Dr,  American River; d incl
breakfast $149-279;aiWs) Up-to-scratch
motel suites overlooking either the pool or
lagoon (the rammed-earth wing has the best
rooms). The restaurant plates up plenty of
local seafood (mains $20 to $30, serving
7.30am to 9am and 6pm to 8pm).

Island ̈Coastal ̈Units ̈ MOTEL,CABINS$$
(%08-8553 7010;  www �kangarooislandcoastal
units �com �au;  Tangara Dr,  American River; units/
cabins from  $110/120, extra  person $20) A low
row of basic one- and two-bedroom motel-
style units among trees opposite the fore-
shore, plus four beautiful self-contained
cabins with solar hot water, gas cooktops
and air-con (pay the extra $10!).

American ̈River ̈Campsite ̈ CAMPGROUND$
(%08-8553 4500; www �kangarooisland�sa �gov �au;
TangaraDr, AmericanRiver;unpoweredsites per 2
people$15, extra person$5) Shady, council-run
camping beside the lagoon, with fire pits,
showers and toilets. You will need to pay via

Oyster ̈Farm ̈Shop ̈ SEAFOOD$
(%08-8553 7122;  www �goodfoodkangarooisland�
com/food/kio_shop�asp; TangaraDr; meals$8 �50-
21; h11am-3pmMon-Fri) Operated by a local
oyster farm, this little shack acts as an outlet
for sustainable seafood producers from all
over the island. Oysters, marron, abalone,
King George whiting...even barramundi,
cooked into meals or takeaway uncooked. A
dozen fresh unshucked oysters are a paltry

American ̈River ̈General ̈Store ̈SELF-CATERING
(%08-8553 7015;  Scenic Dr; h7�30am-6pm)
Packed to the northern hemisphere with
provisions, bait and tackle, plus there’s an
amazing hardware ‘cupboard’, petrol and a
bottle shop.

POP 1700
Snoozy seaside Kingscote (pronounced
‘kings-coat’) is the main settlement on KI,
and the hub of island life. It’s a photogenic
town with swaying Norfolk Island pines, a
couple of pubs and some decent eateries.

1 ̈Sights ̈& ̈Activities
Kangaroo ̈Island ̈Penguin ̈Centre ̈ ECOTOUR
(www�kipenguincentre�com �au;  Kingscote Wharf;
child $5/3;htours 8�30pm&9�30pmOct-Jan&
Mar, 7�30pm&8�30pmApr-Oct,closedFeb, pelican
feeding5pm) Runs one-hour tours of its salt-
water aquariums and the local penguin colo-
ny, plus some stargazing if the sky is clear. It
also runs informative (and comical) pelican ̈
feeding sessions at the adjacent wharf.

Hope ̈Cottage ̈Museum ̈ MUSEUM
(www�hopecottagemuseum�com;  Centenary Ave;
adult/child $6/2;h1-4pm daily  Sep-Jul, Sat  only 
Aug) Built on the hill in 1857, this cottage
is now a fastidiously maintained National
Trust museum decked out in period style,
with a reconstructed lighthouse, an amazing
old quilt, a tiny walled rose garden and KI’s
first piano.

Kangaroo ̈Island ̈Spirits ̈ DISTILLERY
(KIS; www �kispirits�com �au; 856 PlayfordHwy, Cyg-
net River;tastingsfree, bottlesfrom $35; h11am-
5pm Wed-Sun,daily duringschoolholidays) This
fiesty little moonshiner makes small-batch
gin with KI native juniper berries, plus vod-
ka, brandy and liqueurs (try the honey and
walnut version, using organic KI honey).

Island ̈Beehive ̈ APIARY
(www�island-beehive�com �au; 1AcaciaDr, Kingscote;
tours adult/child/family$4 �50/3/13;h9am-5pm,
group tours  every  30min 9�30am-4pm) Runs
factory tours where you can study up on
passive, hard-working Ligurian bees and
beekeeping, then stock up on by-products
(bee-products?), including delicious organic
honey and honeycomb ice cream. Tours for

Island ̈Pure ̈Sheep ̈Dairy ̈DAIRY
(www�islandpure�com �au;  127  Gum  Creek Rd,  Cyg-
net River;tours adult/child/family$6 �50/5 �50/22;
hnoon-4pm) Near Cygnet River, 12km from
Kingscote, this dairy features 1500 sheep
lining up to be milked (around 2pm daily).
Take a tour of the factory, which includes
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