A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE

(Chris Devlin) #1

EXTERNALLY: Poultices on boils and other painful swellings.

HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Tincture of fresh blossom for dentition, enuresis, epistaxis, leukorrhea, lichen,
neuralgia, peritonitis, rheumatism, toothache, urticaria, uterus (bearing down in, prolapses of,
inflammation of).

RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Russian lippa (linden) is a most popular tree, there being eleven species
throughout Russia; they sometimes grow so closely that lippa foliage is all that can be seen. It is estimated
that there are about 2 million acres of pure linden, besides many square miles of assorted trees. Folk
medicine: As diuretic (cool or warm), diaphoretic (hot with honey or raspberry syrup), conditions of
colds, inflamed lungs, headache, nerve tension or debility, sterility, amenorrhea. One teaspoonful of
linden charcoal and goat’s milk is given for tuberculosis. The leaves and flowers are steeped as a strong
tea for throat and cough soreness and as a gargle. Externally: Linden tar is used for eczema, the leaves as
poultice for boils and carbuncles. Industrial: Wine industry uses aromatic linden flowers; and honey,
which is considered the best. The soft elastic wood is excellent for all kinds of wooden kitchenware, and

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